Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Current ward cases

ICU 4 patients 

50 M with Shortness of breath 

55 M with Anasarca and dyspnoea along with DM 2 HTN psoriasis since years 

case 3: 55 yr old man with severe PAH with moderate AS And AR with AKI on CKD

Case 4: Acute GE with left lower lobe pneumonia with k/c/of congenital heart disease

AMC 0 

Ward patients

1. 60/M with heart failure discussed in the afternoon 

2. 49/M Hbsag +ve case with AKI and alcoholic liver disease 

3. 71/M with CKD with prostatomegaly

4. 60/M with HFREF with CAD

5. 35/M with headache giddiness ?hypochondrasis

6. 63/M with Parkinson’s disease 

7. 27/M with celiac disease

8. 68/M with ischaemic cva with left mca territory infarct with HTN and DM -2

9. 78/M with HFREF with PAH 

10. 27/M with ankylosing spondylitis 

11. 50/M with seizures secondary to old infarcts

12. 58/M with CKD with HFPEF

13. 16/M with HBSAG +ve with acute cholangitis and acute cholecystitis 

14. 36/M with alcohol withdrawal seizures with alcohol dependence syndrome 

15. 75/M with seizures with rt lmn facial palsy with rt monoparesis 

16. 47/F with HFPEF secondary to ?viral/anaemia

17. 73/F with HFPEF with AF secondary to CAD

18. 22/F with DKA with Hypertensive urgency with Iron deficiency anaemia

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