Saturday, March 6, 2021

Citation of Functional prototype for "Collective, user driven conversational peer review of real time open access research submissions"


Title and scope of the project

Functional prototype for "Collective, user driven  conversational peer review of real time open access research submissions"

Sponsoring agent if any           

Current institution

Project Leader               


Dr. Rakesh Biswas and UG, PG team

Year in which started   



Duration in months   


Capital (Estimated in lakhs)   


Recurring (Estimated in lakhs)   


Total (Estimated in lakhs)   


Foreign Exchange (in INR)



Functional prototype archived and run here in the publications below:

Title: Collective Conversational Peer Review of Journal Submission: A Tool to Integrate Medical Education and Practice.

Authors: Poddar et al with corresponding author RB

Journal name and volume:

Annals of Neurosciences. 2018 Jul;

Vol 25(2): pages 112–119.

Impact factor: 2.04

Full text link:!po=0.757576

2) Patient of pulmonary embolism and online conversational learning among global medical students through a journal review platform.

Authors: Poddar et al with corresponding author RB

Medical Journal of Dr. DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2019 May 1;12(3):281.

Full text link:;year=2019;volume=12;issue=3;spage=281;epage=283;aulast=Podder

 Cited by: Sandra Moore

Western University

In her article 'The Enlightenment of Peer Review

How Academic Librarians Can Utilize Open Peer Review Methods to Advance Information Literacy"

Citation para:

An innovafive OPR method known as "collective conversational peer review" (designed to integrate medical education and practice) exemplifies the use of an evolving creation process as a critical appraisal tool for submitted manuscripts, which simultaneously offers medical students publication credit and interactive training (Podder et al., 2018, p. 112). This type of dynamic peer review is an excellent example of a new information product giving participants a way to "articulate the traditional and emerging processes of information creation and dissemination in a particular discipline" (ACRL, 2016, p. 14). By collaborating with faculty across disciplines, academic librarians can incorporate these Innovative approaches to peer review as a creative method to implement the frame "Information Creation as a Process."

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