Sunday, February 14, 2021

Medicine department projects as per dsir template

Template to showcase departmental activities borrowed from


  1. Research Undertaken

  1. Objectives of research being undertaken :


1) Answering multidimensional information needs in individual patients and health professionals  utilizing available IT and AI (case based reasoning) tools 

2) Integrating medical education and practice 

3) Developing a health care blended-learning ecosystem through a network of global multiple learner stakeholders that includes medical student and health professionals from diverse disciplines catering to patients along with their relatives in rural and urban India so that they may benefit from this global learning toward their local caring.

4) Optimization of healthcare costs in a manner that can still provide highest quality of care in low resource settings. 

  1. Memorandum of understanding 

  1. Objective of undertaking of research specified in MOA

  1. Major equipment procured during April2017-March2018,  April 2018- March 2019, April 2019- March 2020, and March 2020- March 2021.

S. No


1) Clinical Data capturing devices for every individual research assistant

2) Laboratory data capturing and interpreting devices  such as autoanalyzers 

3) Radio imaging data capturing and interpreting devices such as ultrasound, echocardiography, X-ray machines, CT scans and MRI 

Year of purchase

Approx. cost

Awaiting hospital admin inputs 

  1.    Staff engaged in research

  1. Number of PhD ( 0 )

  1.  PG's ( 30 )

  1.  Total no. of Student &Teachers  personnel involved in Research Activities ( 35 )

Research assistants/Interns 100

  1. Areas of Research Undertaken:

Medical education 

Frugal bedside innovation 

Health Informatics 

Medical monitoring 

Medical cognition 

Clinical decision making 

Clinical problem solving 

Case based reasoning 

Medicine 2.0


User driven healthcare 

  1. Completed Research projects from April 2017 to March 2021.

Title and scope of the project

Functional prototype for "Case based blended learning ecosystem CBBLE toward better medical education, decision making and better patient outcomes

Sponsoring agent if any           

Current institution

Project Leader               


Dr. Rakesh Biswas and UG, PG team

Year in which started   



Duration in months   


Capital (Estimated in lakhs)   


Recurring (Estimated in lakhs)   


Total (Estimated in lakhs)   


Foreign Exchange (in INR)



Functional prototype archived in the publications below:

Healthcare 2018, Vol 6, 78.
Full text link here:

Title and scope of the project

Functional prototype for "Collective, user driven  conversational peer review of real time open access research submissions"

Sponsoring agent if any           

Current institution

Project Leader               


Dr. Rakesh Biswas and UG, PG team

Year in which started   



Duration in months   


Capital (Estimated in lakhs)   


Recurring (Estimated in lakhs)   


Total (Estimated in lakhs)   


Foreign Exchange (in INR)



Functional prototype archived and run here in the publications below:

Title: Collective Conversational Peer Review of Journal Submission: A Tool to Integrate Medical Education and Practice.

Authors: Poddar et al with corresponding author RB

Journal name and volume:

Annals of Neurosciences. 2018 Jul;

Vol 25(2): pages 112–119.

Impact factor: 2.04

Full text link:!po=0.757576

2) Patient of pulmonary embolism and online conversational learning among global medical students through a journal review platform.

Authors: Poddar et al with corresponding author RB

Medical Journal of Dr. DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2019 May 1;12(3):281.

Full text link:;year=2019;volume=12;issue=3;spage=281;epage=283;aulast=Podder

 Cited by: Sandra Moore

Western University

In her article 'The Enlightenment of Peer Review

How Academic Librarians Can Utilize Open Peer Review Methods to Advance Information Literacy"

Citation para:

An innovafive OPR method known as "collective conversational peer review" (designed to integrate medical education and practice) exemplifies the use of an evolving creation process as a critical appraisal tool for submitted manuscripts, which simultaneously offers medical students publication credit and interactive training (Podder et al., 2018, p. 112). This type of dynamic peer review is an excellent example of a new information product giving participants a way to "articulate the traditional and emerging processes of information creation and dissemination in a particular discipline" (ACRL, 2016, p. 14). By collaborating with faculty across disciplines, academic librarians can incorporate these Innovative approaches to peer review as a creative method to implement the frame "Information Creation as a Process."

Title and scope of the project

Functional prototype of "Online learning portfolios" through available user driven learning systems 

More about it's scope in functional online learning portfolios archived here

Project Leader               

RB and UG, PG Team

Year in which started    2018


Duration in months    24 months

Capital (Estimated in lakhs)   

Recurring (Estimated in lakhs)   

Total (Estimated in lakhs)   

Foreign Exchange (in INR)

Remarks: Functional prototype of a continuing medical education usage model

Title and scope of the project

Frugal innovations prototype:

Digital and paper based fever charts and prediction analytics for better diagnosis and rational antibiotic use. Completed functional prototype of "fever pattern recognition" through user driven data capture and analysis systems to reduce antibiotic misuse in the community 

Sponsoring agent if any   : Current Institute        

Project Leader               

RB with UG, PG Team

Year in which started    2017


Duration in months    72 months

Capital (Estimated in lakhs)    4

Recurring (Estimated in lakhs)    1

Total (Estimated in lakhs)    6

Foreign Exchange (in INR) NA

Remarks:   Based on prior work archived here:Integrating Hospital-Acquired Lessons into Community Health Practice: Optimizing Anti-Microbial Usage in Bangalore,  J Contin Educ Health Prof. (US) 2007 Jun 18;27(2):105-110,

Title and scope of the project

Prototype: Womb to tomb patient records viewed through a virtual reality interface made open access after deidentification

More about it's scope here : 

The entire womb to tomb case record of a single patient is displayed in different layers that can be viewed using a virtual reality interface. A video demo of the prototype is available here:

Project Leader               

Done by our elective student Avinash Gupta along with RB and UG, PG Team

Year in which started    2017


Duration in months    30 months

Capital (Estimated in lakhs)   

Recurring (Estimated in lakhs)   

Total (Estimated in lakhs)   

Foreign Exchange (in INR)

Remarks: Presented at a Neuroscience conference workshop in 2017 archived here

And here:

Title and scope of the project

Frugal bedside Innovation -

Functional prototype of  "diaphragm based audio patient data capturing systems (stethoscope hack) to promote collaborative global learning with local patient data. More here: 

Low cost quick hack to record and share auscultation sounds digitally for offline/online education and remote diagnosis.

Project Leader: Done by our elective student Avinash Gupta along with            RB and UG, PG Team

Year in which started    2018


Duration in months    30 months

Capital (Estimated in lakhs)   

Recurring (Estimated in lakhs)   

Total (Estimated in lakhs)   

Foreign Exchange (in INR)


Title and scope of the project

Functional prototype of "graphical patient timeline at a glance" to enable quick optimal clinical decision making toward improved patient outcomes 

Sponsoring agent if any           

Current institution

Project Leader               


Dr. Rakesh Biswas with UG, PG Team

Year in which started   



Duration in months   


Capital (Estimated in lakhs)   


Recurring (Estimated in lakhs)   


Total (Estimated in lakhs)   


Foreign Exchange (in INR)



Frugal innovations at bedside. Frugal self funding.

Title and scope of the project

Frugal Innovation for Obstructive Sleep Apnea by our elective student Avinash Gupta. 

A device to screen, diagnose, monitor and reduce damages caused by sleep apnea by utilizing low cost spo2 sensor and feedback/biofeedback. 

Industry Partnerships:

1) With Arintra AI solutions based in Austin, TX 78731, USA toward building a Clinical AI platform for faster visit documentation through automation supported patient data capture.

Remarks: Project was  winner of Ayushman Bharat PMJAY Start-Up Grand Challenge, a call to action to generate cutting-edge solutions for supporting the National Health Authority, India (NHA).


Title and scope of the project

Resolving diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty in diabetics with heart failure symptoms in a rural teaching hospital 

Sponsoring agent if any           

Current institution

Project Leader               


Dr. Aditya Samitinjay, Postgraduate 
Dr. Rakesh Biswas, Prof. & HOD 

Year in which started   



Duration in months   


Capital (estimated in lakhs)


Recurring (estimated in lakhs)


Total (estimated in lakhs)


Foreign Exchange(in INR)


Echo machine as a tool (pre existing institutional capital)

2018-2019 (ongoing)

2) Scope 

Resolving diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty in patients with critical illness and hyponatremia in a rural teaching hospital 

Sponsoring Agency: Current institution

Project leader: MR (PG) and RB (guide)

Year in which started: 2018

Duration in months: 24

Capital estimated in Lakhs: 10

Laboratory testing infrastructure (pre existing institutional capital)

Recurring estimated in Lakhs: 0.5 (annual maintenance of tool) and ancillary 0.5

Total estimated in Lakhs: 12

Foreign exchange in lakhs NA

Remarks: Ongoing with findings soon to be shared in peer reviewed as well as non peer reviewed platforms from time to time.

2019-20 (Ongoing)


Resolving diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction

Sponsoring Agency: Current institution

Project leader: AV (PG) and RB (guide)

Year in which started: 2019

Duration in months: 24

Capital estimated in Lakhs: 5

Echo machine as a tool (pre existing institutional capital)

Recurring estimated in Lakhs: 0.5 (annual maintenance of tool) and ancillary 0.5

Total estimated in Lakhs: 7

Foreign exchange in lakhs NA

Remarks: Ongoing with findings soon to be shared in peer reviewed as well as non peer reviewed platforms from time to time.


4) Scope

Resolving diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty in unexplained pulmonary hypertension

Sponsoring Agency: Current institution

Project leader: VK (PG) and RB (guide)

Year in which started: 2020

Duration in months: 24

Capital estimated in Lakhs: 5

Echo machine as a tool (pre existing institutional capital)

Recurring estimated in Lakhs: 0.5 (annual maintenance of tool) and ancillary 0.5

Total estimated in Lakhs: 7

Foreign exchange in lakhs NA

Remarks: Ongoing with findings soon to be shared in peer reviewed as well as non peer reviewed platforms from time to time.



Resolving diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty in critically ill renal failure patients in a rural teaching hospital

Sponsoring Agency: Current institution

Project leader: KM (PG) and RB (guide)

Year in which started: 2020

Duration in months: 24

Capital estimated in Lakhs: 10

Laboratory testing infrastructure (pre existing institutional capital)

Recurring estimated in Lakhs: 0.5 (annual maintenance of tool) and ancillary 0.5

Total estimated in Lakhs: 12

Foreign exchange in lakhs NA

Remarks: Ongoing with findings soon to be shared in peer reviewed as well as non peer reviewed platforms from time to time.

  1. Specific R&D achievements for past years: April2017-March18, 18-19, 19-20, April 20-March21)

  1. New products/processes/methods/techniques developed:

April 2017 to March 2018

As mentioned in detail above we developed a 

1) Usage model of a regular continuing medical education through practice based data driven by patient and health professional users aka CBBLE (based on concept of user driven healthcare published earlier extensively in books and journals by our team. 

2) Developed an usage model functional prototype of Collective, user driven  conversational peer review of real time open access research submissions"


2) Functional prototype of a
"graphical patient timeline at a glance" to enable quick optimal clinical decision making toward improved patient outcomes 


3) frugal bedside innovations described above including fever pattern recognition and other  vital data pattern analysis from patient monitoring 

  1. Improvements in existing products/processes/methods/techniques :

Existing processes were successfully disrupted with our newer usage models 

  1.  Societal outcome of the R&D activities undertaken:

Improving of health professional and patient learning outcomes along with patient health outcomes 

  1.  Import substitution (Give estimate of foreign exchange saved or likely to be saved per annum):


  1.  Linkages with industry-projects carried out on their behalf (Give details) :

Industry Partnerships:

1) With Arintra AI solutions based in Austin, TX 78731, USA toward building a Clinical AI platform for faster visit documentation through automation supported patient data capture.

Remarks: Project was  winner of Ayushman Bharat PMJAY Start-Up Grand Challenge, a call to action to generate cutting-edge solutions for supporting the National Health Authority, India (NHA).

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