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Max Marks: 100 (10 marks for each answer)
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Date: 16/02/2021 9:00 AM
Below is an online formal question paper to be answered online using all available resources at your online disposal over a period of days and E logged in a manner demonstrated by past examinees in the link here https://
medicinedepartment.blogspot. com/2021/02/blended-bimonthly- assessment-dec-2020.html?m=1 And here is a sample answer paper from the last exam here: https://ashiness3.blogspot.com/2020/11/bimonthly-asses sment-for-month-of.html?m=1 please note that every logged answer paper should contain the link to this current "assignment/question paper" page and the patient context for each answer as well as avoid plagiarism as illustrated in the sample answer paper. A sample answer to the last question around sharing your experiences can be seen here: https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid= 4EF578BAE67BA469!4180&ithint= file%2cdocx&authkey=! AOy7BpRTn42DBMo Questions:
1) Please go through the patient data in the links below and answer the following questions:
Low cost eco friendly conferences, workshops, training courses are conducted all the year round by the medicine department as per the mandate of our CBBLE research project toward continuing medical education and integrating it with medical practice.
Conference title: Patient centred clinical problem solving 2018
Conference title: Patient centred clinical problem solving 2021Workshop Title: Chronic diarrhoea and Malabsorption syndromeActive participants:Dr Amit Taneja, Faculty Medical College, Wisconsin
Rakesh Biswas , Prof Medicine, KIMs, NarketpallyPassive participants: 1800 asynchronous online global participants consisting of MBBS and MD students, senior residents, independent researchers and faculty Professors in global locations but maximum represented from Indian subcontinent as well as Europe, US, AustraliaConversational learning outcomes:Rakesh Biswas presents the patient data that was logged and compiled into a case report by Dr Navya, Intern :
"A young man with chronic diarrhoea and severe hypoalbuminemia and generalized body swelling patient that we are currently grappling with and will appreciate your inputs
Conference title: Patient centred clinical problem solving 2020Workshop Title: Urosepsis in presence of comorbidities and clinical complexityGuest faculty: Dr Ambarish Bhattacharya sharing his patientActive participants:Ambarish Bhattacharya -Consultant at Nightingale Hospital,Kolkata, Consultant (medicine) at Spandan Hospital and Consultant at The Apollo Clinic, Saltlake
Rakesh Biswas , Prof Medicine, KIMs, NarketpallyPassive participants: 1800 asynchronous online global participants consisting of MBBS and MD students, senior residents, independent researchers and faculty Professors in global locations but maximum represented from Indian subcontinent as well as Europe, US, AustraliaConversational learning outcomes:Dr Ambarish Bhattacharya presents the patient data:"70 yrs lady. T2DM, IHD, COPD, Obese with H/o # lower end of femur and hence bedridden for more than a month.Presented with off and on drowsiness and loss of appetite. Outside reports showed poor sugar control, fluctuations from Hypo to 400. Urine shows plenty of pus cells and growth of Staph. Aureus. Hb 9, TLC 16000, CRP 151, Creatinine 1.5, Na 125. Samples repeated after admission. Now culture growth Enteroccus. All others similar.Treated with Basal bolus insulin, Tolvaptan, Meropenem + Linezolid, Clexane. After 5 days CRP 45, Creatinine 0.9, TLC 12500, Na 134, Sugar well controlled. Planning for discharge.After 2 days patient has hematuria. CRP increased to 121, Creatinine 1.2, INR 2.3, aPTT > 100, Platelet 190,000, TLC 10,000, Hb 7.7. BT, CT normal. Now urine growing Candida sensitive only to Caspo & Micafungin. Caspo started, antibiotics changed to Tiecoplanin and Moxiflox, FFP given. TLC now 9500, PT, aPTT normal, Hb/Platelet/Na/K all stable but CRP now 150. Clinically other than pallor and few bedsore there is nothing. Blood cs no growth, Amylase/Lipase/RF normal, CXR normal, USG chronic cystitis.Reports of D-Dimer, FDP, ANF awaited.What should be the next line of management?Active participants inputs: