Monday, September 16, 2024

UDLCO: Medical education faculty development and tech driven multilingual global learning toward local caring

Conversational Transcripts:

[16/09, 21:47] +91BN : This group has many intellectuals

Who are passionate about teaching medical courses in regional language or mother tongue 

Those who are interested can come up with writing books and materials in those languages or atleast translation work if done that will surely help the students 

Instead we are doing arguments and discussion and finding faults among our statement 

Finding minute mistakes in sentences of statements of each other 


17/09, 07:29] RB: Google translator has better skills than most intellectuals?

[17/09, 07:42] JR: Has anyone used the translation feature in Google Sheets?

[17/09, 07:52] RB: In our regular patient centred learning workflow that involves real patients pan India, we need to shift from our team based learning PaJR groups to google translate where i as the moderator enter my text to the patient advocate in English and it provides me the regional language version of the patient advocate that i need to again paste it in her PaJR group text. 

Meta AI allows us to quickly translate whatever regional language the patient advocate or patient is using in the group for the other team based learning participants in the group centred around the particular individual patient.

So in a way this year has been remarkable where we have seen a spike in our learning workflow efficiency and much more appears to be in the offing with tech developing at speed!

Also provides another angle to learning medicine in regional languages. We are having to do it anyways on the job and given that tech is pushing us toward globalisation it's likely that all doctors will quickly learn to become multilingual with Google translate

17/09, 08:01] JR: There are better apps for indic languages. 
Let me get some more information

[17/09, 08:02] BAFM: Great...🙏🏻🙏🏻

17/09, 07:48] SCM: Mostly it is used for translation of questionnaire & consent forms for IEC clearance of synopsis.

[17/09, 07:59] RB: As illustrated in one of our students online learning portfolio
here 👇

[17/09, 08:01] SLM: 

When the translate is available why should there be medical education in local language? 

 *Bilingual*- teaching is not required.  It will create lot of problems in standardization of curriculum planning, assessment etc.

Again someone can bring up some regional / cultural issues- 

My opinion- uniformity of medical education nation wide is good.

[17/09, 06:50] SLM: AI is introduced in the new curriculum. 
But planning for training faculty is not there
FDP is going on very slowly. Many have not completed BCME, CISP
Unless planning is done like national programs- implementation will be only on papers.
We can't get expected outcome.

[17/09, 06:58] SLM: How workshops for HIV- AIDS, TB is done, Medical education also should plan for more Faculty development programs in short span.

Now there is only one extrinsic motivation for faculty to go for BCME that is linking with promotion. 
Fee structure for training- many are not happy.
Let government or management bear the charges. Why to burden the faculty ( instead there should be encouragement )
 *This is not sufficient*

[17/09, 07:14] SLM : Medical education department should be there in every medical college. ( like any other discipline). Now MEU, CC members in all the institutions are doing the additional work without getting any benefit. It will not run for long. Either the department can be separated (like MUHS) or separate pay for MEU , CC members in addition to their salary should be there.
Exploitation of time and energy from some faculty members doesn't help in progress.

[17/09, 08:09] RB: Just a counterpoint:

Any faculty worth their salt can utilise their self directed life long learning abilities to develop themselves through freely available resources and not have to depend on NMC or institution for these!

Learning by faculty needs to be driven by the projects that they are working on toward addressing the problems of the primary beneficiaries of medical education (patients)

[17/09, 08:11] JR: But guidance is needed

[17/09, 08:13] RB: That should come from the learning ecosystem.

A good learning ecosystem is needed that in this age is easily connected globally

[17/09, 07:15] SLM: It is like Globalization to localization

17/09, 07:54] RB: And medical education can deliver "Global learning toward local caring"👇

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