Sunday, August 18, 2024

PaJR platform methodology: integrating diverse paths of knowing through team based learning and their archival in online learning portfolios: presentation at NCBS Bangalore

Summary: Below are links to videos and slides of our PaJR team presentation at NCBS Bangalore on 14th August, 2024 focusing on our PaJR platform methodology that is largely about integrating diverse paths of knowing through team based learning and their archival in online learning portfolios. This is followed by video links to Prof Sudhir Krishna's presentation of integrating  modern science benches to clinical bedsides where diversity of approaches already abound.

Speaker's list:

Speaker Dr Savanth Reddy's presentation:


Speaker notes:

PaJR Online learning Portfolio:

I am Dr.Savanth Reddy  from ... Institute of Medical Sciences, Telangana, India.

Today I would like to introduce about the unique approach followed by the Dept.of General Medicine at our institute which is called  Patient Journey Record System which involves  creation of  an online learning portfolio centered around patient care as we publish  the de-identified patient data as case reports  online at

These case reports are then shared on user-driven forums to facilitate a system of online learning where a concept of Patient as a teacher is emphasized.

This teaching methodology leverages currently available blended learning modalities to create a case based blended learning ecosystem(CBBLE) which is subsequently assessed through peer citations.

There will be offline experiential data capture ,face to face discussion in the demo room and subsequent follow up and family adoption through  PaJR groups which are online components of our blended learning ecosystem.
It is then followed by  an overall weekly logs of academic activities and assessment of students which takes place parallelly.

At the end of each Academic year of UG/PG training  there will be 360 degree formative and summative  assessment  along with the traditional university driven summative assessment .

To be more precise we create  Blog for each individual patient we examine during our clinical rotations and  includes the History,examination videos , lab reports, imaging , differential diagnosis, treatment and the clinical approach used In the patient management.As We use de-identified patient data the privacy of the individual patient is protected .This creates a digital record of the patients we have examined and also we have access to the wide variety of cases even in the future for academic purposes like research and data analysis.We can share the digital record of the clinical condition with  experienced physicians in various renowned institutions and make necessary changes in patient care through discussions which plays a major role in improving the standards of health care and also availability of specialist services in the resource limited areas like the Nalgonda district where our institution is located.To share my personal experience - during my internship I was able to have a sneak peek into the medicine icu cases even though I was posted in other departments which was possible only through the blogs published by the co-interns.
This also stands as an evidence of our commitment and interest towards patient care and is one way of showing our clinical acumen.

Overall it also  helps in the assessment of the students performance through different aspects such as
1)Competence in data capture
2)Competence in Asking questions
3)Competence in finding answers
4)Competence in Communication skills
 throughout the medical school years rather than judging the clinical knowledge based on a 2 hr assessment in the final professional exam.
There will be a review and analysis of anonymised student feedback regarding this teaching delivery method followed by the department .Using this feedback  problem statements will be  identified and solutions are planned accordingly and  students are also involved in making the process efficient.

Hence  there will be Improved Patient care through inputs from various medical professionals, facilitates the Research and data analysis and at the same time patient data privacy is safeguarded.

I would like to conclude the presentation  by re iterating the fact that there may be  different methods we approach in our Patient management but what eventually matters is how it enhances the quality of life in diseased patients.  Thank you.

Link to presentation video:

Speaker Dr Chandana's presentation


Presentation video:

Speaker Professor Sudhir Krishna's presentation videos:

Prof Sudhir Krishna takes you on an inspirational journey through Saint John's medical college, MBBS and then a Phd and finally IISc and NCBS, Bangalore with a driving force that fascinates him as to how diverse paths to knowing can be integrated and interconnected!

Prof Sudhir Krishna describes how in order to focus energy on integrative translational research, numerous discussions between basic scientists at NCBS and colleagues from St. John’s medical college campus were conducted in order to understand the perspectives of medical professional around teaching, immediate service and diagnostic innovation needs, affordable therapeutics in contrast to the longer-term perspectives of basic research organizations.

His past work on this:

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