Sunday, May 26, 2024

Final QI cycle certification of student thesis in a blended learning ecosystem driven by dynamic E logs (online learning portfolios)

Summary: The blended learning program initiated in medicine department, first logged globally here: was evaluated through a QI cycle first shared by our senior Resident here:, presented by our intern  here: and most recently actioned on the current ongoing post graduate thesis evaluation program again by our senior resident here :
After half way into evaluating the current batch of final thesis data, a final formal  certification/endorsement was planned to be layered onto the existing formal certification format. More about NMC driven dynamic E logs and current problem statements in UDLCO formats plaguing faculty driven research ecosystems are available here:, and here  : and some global current knowledge around thesis here:

Shared below is the existing as well as modified certification formats:

Existing format :

This is to certify that the work embodied in this thesis entitled "—————-“
for the degree of M.D General Medicine, General  Medicine university 
has been carried out independently by Dr. ———————under my supervision in medicine department

I recommend this piece of work for acceptance for the degree of Doctor of Medicine (General Medicine), General Medicine university,  for the year 2024

Modified format :

This is to certify that the work embodied in this thesis entitled "—————-“
for the degree of M.D General Medicine, General  Medicine university 
has been carried out independently by Dr. ———————under my supervision in medicine department.
I have the following basic expectations from the thesis projects as per the way we have designed them in the department :
Validation of real patient data capture: The thesis should demonstrate a valid time stamp of how and when each individual patient event data was  collected initially and then subsequently. 

Discussion of individual patient data : Again as per the qualitative study design, the individual patient events gathered during the initial encounter need to be interpreted as a natural component of the existing standard health care decision making process, where the learnings from our data capture and  interpretation may be transferred to improve the same or subsequent patient's outcomes even before the final synthesis of the thesis learning outcomes taking into account data from all the individual patient participants of the thesis. 

In the current thesis :

Validation of real patient data capture: was done thorough the original inpatient admission files of...n numbers of patients as well as .n..numbers of discharge summary PDFs, .n..numbers of case report forms along with their consent forms and..n..numbers couldn't be validated and..n..numbers contained data that didn't make sense and were un interpretable.

Discussion : ..n.numbers of individual patient data was discussed with me and interpreted to effect their outcomes as part of a standard expectation during routine workflows where they may have been otherwise discussed with other faculty and disposed from a service rather than thesis perspective. 

I recommend this piece of work for acceptance for the degree of Doctor of Medicine (General Medicine), General Medicine university for the year 2024 if my above mentioned  limitations regarding the thesis is not a barrier to the university authorities. 
Best sample thesis evaluation certificate (with the numbers n mentioned) :
This is to certify that the work embodied in this thesis entitled "—————-“


In the current thesis :

Validation of real patient data capture: was done thorough the original paper based inpatient admission files of..50.. number of patients as well as ..50..number of discharge summary PDFs, ..50.number of case report forms along with their consent forms and..0.. number couldn't be validated and..0..number contained data that didn't make sense and were un interpretable.

Discussion : ..50..number of individual patient data was discussed with me and interpreted to effect their outcomes as part of a standard expectation during routine workflows where they may have been otherwise discussed with other faculty and disposed from a service rather than thesis perspective. 

I recommend this piece of work for acceptance for the degree of Doctor of Medicine (General Medicine), General Medicine university for the year 2024 if my above mentioned  limitations regarding the thesis is not a barrier to the university authorities. 

Worst sample thesis evaluation certificate (with the numbers n mentioned) :

This is to certify that the work embodied in this thesis entitled "—————-“


In the current thesis :

Validation of real patient data capture: was done thorough the original paper based inpatient admission files of..50.. number of patients as well as ..50..number of discharge summary PDFs, ..50.number of case report forms along with their consent forms and..10.. number couldn't be validated and..10..number contained data that didn't make sense and were un interpretable.

Discussion : ..10..number of individual patient data was discussed with me and interpreted to effect their outcomes as part of a standard expectation during routine workflows where they may have been otherwise discussed with other faculty and disposed from a service rather than thesis perspective. 

I recommend this piece of work for acceptance for the degree of Doctor of Medicine (General Medicine), General Medicine university for the year 2024 if my above mentioned  limitations regarding the thesis is not a barrier to the university authorities. 

Wiki quotes :

  1. Originally, the concepts "dissertation" and "thesis" (plural, "theses") were not interchangeable. When, at ancient universities, the lector had completed his lecture, there would traditionally follow a disputation, during which students could take up certain points and argue them. The position that one took during a disputation was the thesis, while the dissertation was the line of reasoning with which one buttressed it.[1]


  1. ^ Olga Weijers: "The medieval disputatio". In: Hora est! On dissertations, pp. 23-27. Leiden University Library, 2005

The cover of the thesis presented by Claude Bernard to obtain his Doctorate of Medicine (1843)

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