Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Real patient OSCE station questions

OSCE stations : 4 (around 4 real patients) 

Total marks: 40 (10x4)

5 osce questions per station (2 marks each) :

Question 1 (Bloom level 1):

Remembering : What are the possible etiologies for this patient's most significant issue?

Sample answer :

Infection (viral, bacterial, protozoal, fungal) 

Immune mediated (autoimmune, secondary) 

Trauma, Toxin, Drug, Metabolic 



Question 2 (Blooms level 2)

Understanding : What are the pathophysiologic  mechanisms that explain this patient's most significant issue? 

For example if your patient has ascites then what are it's possible mechanisms or similarly if the patient has headache what are it's mechanisms 

Question 3 (Blooms level 3)

Application :

Prepare a brief, single page, objectively structured (OS) map/report toward clinical evaluation (CE) of the data that you have gathered from this patient in terms of the sequence of events leading to his/her  present illness, your objective findings on physical examination and available further investigational data 

Question 4 (Blooms level 4-5)

Analysis and evaluation:

Analyze this patient's data by extracting the key points/problems that are useful and actionable and create a problem list in order of actionable priority 

Question 5 (Blooms level 6)

Synthesis (of an actionable plan from above OSCE data)  

Create a diagnosis and treatment plan for each one of the patient's problems you have listed above in terms of priority 

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