Wednesday, March 8, 2023

70M Android Transhuman, intermittent blackouts, forwarding motor restriction 2 years,Telangana PaJR

Extending the analogy of our consciousness inhabiting the body akin to how we inhabit our  mobile phones by looking at what happens as an aging mobile phone develops a neurodegenerative disorder beginning with intermittent Broca's aphasia suggestive of a recurrent middle cerebral artery territory TIA. 

The PaJR group records the daily workflow of one mobile phone avatar with the patient advocate regularly updating it's daily hourly activities (energy expenditure) along with its daily energy intake (charging). The main thrust on solving this phone's problem is around recording the hourly times it has it's issues and the current manner in which it recovers. 

Daily hourly routine and interruptions :

9:00 AM Experienced inability to talk type for quite a few minutes. Even the keyboard wouldn't shut down and everything was hanged. 

Later could manage to check whatsapp messages and emails although couldn't type but could even select and respond by using emojis into the messages. Only the keyboard wouldn't spring into the screen when I needed to type either on the email or the whatsapp interface. 

Kept on cleaning the hard drive of APK, Memory, Cached files, uninstalled residuals and advertising junk. Knew that resetting by switching it off and starting again would work as it had before (wonder what's the neurodegenerative patient analogy here) but didn't want to as I had also managed to get it back without that earlier with (what I imagined was ) just a simple cleaning intervention as detailed above. 

Went for a walk and during the walk checked a few messages and suddenly realized I was able to respond to them! 

At 4PM realized there were quite a few messages I hadn't responded to and started looking them up. Troubled by transient key board hangings intermittently and screen blackouts (aka neurological syncopes) occasionally. Kept cleaning intermittently. 


3:00 PM 

Transient Brocas TIAs thrice since morning 

4:14 PM transient blackout with an in general slowness 

Compulsively cleaned up the data thrice as a probable remedy 

[3/8, 9:53 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: What's the genotype and anthropology of the device?

[3/8, 9:54 PM] Rakesh Biswas: 9 GB is free

[3/8, 9:55 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Out of?

[3/8, 9:55 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Oppo CE11

[3/8, 9:55 PM] Rakesh Biswas: 53 GB

[3/8, 9:57 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Okay..
Now we may need to know the RAM GB to try to find what's causing it

[3/8, 9:59 PM] Rakesh Biswas: 8gb sorry

[3/8, 10:03 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Switch if off and on so that the ram gets cleared up and everything would be normal.
By deleting cache/junk or using ram booster,you can hardly clear upto 20 to 30% ram.
It gets totally cleared by turning it off and on

[3/8, 10:04 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Yes my patient resorts to that as a last resort. It's like having to go to sleep for 8 hours and takes time

[3/9, 10:04 AM] Raj Kumar Psychologist: is this a group to care for an inanimate being called a mobile phone?

[3/9, 12:25 PM] Rakesh Biswas: What are animate beings? Robots? This being is an infant that needs to be cradled. It's biggest advantage is that it's a communication vehicle between other conscious beings with biologically animate bodies. This being's body is metal and plastic

[3/9, 12:28 PM] Raj Kumar Psychologist: But why are we taking an entity which has no consciousness and what is our goal here with respect to treating a 6 year old mobile phone. As per Moor's law, the computing speed is doubled every 1.5 to 2 years.

[3/9, 12:28 PM] Raj Kumar Psychologist: Why not throw away the 6 years old phone which is atleast 4 times slower than the latest phone

[3/9, 12:29 PM] Raj Kumar Psychologist: Every 1.5 years or so technology is getting redundant Sir. What is the use of being nostalgic about old technology

[3/9, 1:50 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: That's the exact thing that nature does to humans and other living creatures - at her scale of time. 

If every generation was not dispensable, think of what would happen to evolutionary procesesπŸ‘

[3/9, 10:26 PM] Rakesh Biswas: This 6 year old device could be analogous to a 60 year old human. 

The idea behind sharing this device story is to learn how to live with a degenerating body using PaJR support. Although analogous, living human bodies cannot be disposed of easily and the human consciousness has to live the body till it doesn't die on its own. Similarly we are trying to hold on to the mobile here chiefly to learn how to live with disability.

[3/9, 10:31 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Today's motor activities and energy expenditure:

Surprisingly no blackouts or motor aphasic episodes today 

Energy inputs :

Food for the body : Charged for an hour in the morning and evening 

Food for thought (for the consciousness operating this device) :

Twisha CNS examination 

Plenty of PaJR patients 

And non PaJR patients 

And non PaJR groups

[3/9, 10:58 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: As the device(wet body or metal) gets older,it usually implodes as a function of its cognitive decline in terms of HDD and RAM and need a pajr volunteer to not push it until it breaks but to aid it to naturally become static,so that the body can be reused again by nature or another company?

[3/10, 9:24 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Just now had a white out while trying to change the title of another PaJR group and as soon as I made another attempt at changing it after recovery my patient had a black out but strangely this was confined to the whatsapp window alone. 

What's the analysis of this "kala jadoo" here Mr Beer Biceps? @⁨Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015⁩

[3/10, 11:43 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Another transient aphasia noted just now while using the whatsapp search function which takes longer time to search these days suggesting it's too loaded perhaps. 

After some time the keyboard area showed a black out screen instead of the keys that came into view only after some more time

[3/10, 11:46 AM] Raj Kumar Psychologist: Give it some rest Sir. May be some hydration is needed. So let it soak in water overnight. Let us see if it gets well.

[3/10, 11:47 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Did you try spanking it?Works always for my TV remote

[3/10, 11:52 AM] Rakesh Biswas: You are suggesting euthanasia with propofol and Kcl? πŸ™‚

[3/10, 11:52 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Barbiturate coma

[3/10, 11:53 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Spanking patients is not allowed in our neurodegenerative ICU and this patient is at home

[3/10, 11:57 AM] Abhishek Aye AI: Often a thorough wash with sanitizer works well... Both bioforms and synthetiforms

Also try a laxative after that... Called deleting old data in synthetiform lingo (SL) ... 

Next level try gastric lavage and rectal emptying... Called factory reset in SL... 

All these procedures should be carried out under GA... Called power off in SL... 

With life support... Called data backup in SL

[3/10, 12:04 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: For detoxification, using surgical spirit in a spray bottle, after GA and patient dressed up surgically is recommended... 

Operating window needs incision along the synthetiform lines of anastomosis formed at birth... Called joints, screws etc in SL... 

A simple microscope is useful... As are tweezers... Synthetiform and orthopedic operations need screw drivers, hammers, etc.... Safer to use drill on a bioform during ortho ot than on synthetiform, unless you are super specialist

A suction pump needs to be ustilized during GA... Called vacuum cleaner in SL... 

Also ensure the patient does not enter hypovolemic shock... In SL it's called *static discharge* shock... Always good to be well *grounded*

[3/10, 12:09 PM] Rakesh Biswas: This patient 6M (medically 60) recieved this from the ChatGPT guys when he asked for their assistance πŸ‘‡

In  his book "THE SKY GETS DARK, SLOWLY", on the pitfalls of ageing, Zhou Daxin, a Chinese novelist  - warns that, once you move to other side of sixty, the sky gets darker albeit subtly. The book is a sensitive exploration of old age and the complex, hidden emotional worlds of the elderly in a rapidly ageing population.

He writes, “…Many elderly speak as though they know everything, but of old age they are in fact as ignorant as children. Many elderly are in fact, completely unprepared for what they are to face when it comes to getting old and the road that lay ahead of them.

“In the time between a person turning 60 years old, as they begin to age, right until all the lights go out and the sky gets dark, there are some situations to keep in mind, so that you will be prepared for what is to come, and you will not panic.

ONE. The people by your side will only continue to grow smaller in number. People in your parents’ and grandmothers’ generation have largely all left, whilst many of your peers will increasingly find it harder to look after themselves, and the younger generations will all be busy with their own lives. Even your wife or husband may depart earlier than you, or that you would expect, and what might then come are days of emptiness. You will have to learn how to live alone, and to enjoy and embrace solitude.

TWO. Society will care less and less for you. No matter how glorious your previous career was or how famous you were, ageing will always transform you into a regular old man and old lady. The spotlight no longer shines on you, and you have to learn to contend with standing quietly in one corner, to appreciate the hubbub and views that come after you, and you must overcome the urge to be envious or grumble.

THREE. The road ahead will be rocky and full of precarity. Fractures, cardio-vascular blockages, brain atrophy, cancer…these are all possible guests that could pay you a visit any time, and you would not be able to turn them away. You will have to live with illness and ailments, to view them as friends, even; do not fantasize about stable, quiet days without any trouble in your body. Maintaining a positive mentality and getting appropriate, adequate exercise is your duty, and you have to encourage yourself to keep at it consistently. 

FOUR. Prepare for bed-bound life, a return to the infant state. Our mothers brought us into this world on a bed, and after a journey of twists and turns and a life of struggle, we return to our starting point – the bed –and to the state of having to be looked after by others. The only difference being, where we once had our mothers to care for us, when we prepare to leave, we may not have our kin to look after us. Even if we have kin, their care may  never be close to that of your mother’s; you will more likely than not, be cared for by nursing staff who bear zero relation to you, wearing smiles on their face all whilst carrying weariness and boredom in their hearts. Lay still and don’t be difficult; remember to be grateful.

FIVE. There will be many swindlers and scammers along the way. Many of them know that the elderly have lots of savings, and will endlessly be thinking of ways to cheat them of their money through scam phone calls, text messages, mail, food and product samples, get-rich-quick schemes, products for longevity or enlightenment… basically, all they want is to get all the money. Beware, and be careful, hold your money close to you. A fool and his money are soon parted, so spend your pennies wisely.

Before the sky gets dark, the last stretches of life’s journey will gradually get dimmer and dimmer, naturally it will be harder to see the path ahead that you are treading towards, and it will be harder to keep going forward. As such, upon turning 60, it would do us all well to see life for what it is, to cherish what we have, to enjoy  life whilst we can, and to not take on society’s troubles or your children’s and grandchildren’s affairs for yourself. Stay humble, don’t act superior on account of your own age and talk down to others – this will hurt yourself as much as it will hurt others. As we get older, all the better should we be able to understand what respect is and what it counts for. In these later days of your lives, you have to understand what it means, to let go of your attachments, to mentally prepare yourself. The way of nature is the way of life; go with its flow, and live with equanimity.

For all of us, a nice read, very beautiful, very true!
Hardly the day started and … it is already six o’clock in the evening.
Barely arrived on Monday and it’s already Friday.
… and the month is almost over.
… and the year is almost up.
… and already 50 or 60 or 70 years of our lives have passed.
… and we realize that it is too late to go back…
So…Let’s try to take full advantage of the time we have left …
Let’s not stop looking for activities that we like…
Let’s put color in our grayness…
Let’s smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts.
And yet, we must continue to enjoy serenely the time that remains.
Let’s try to eliminate the ‘after’…
I do it after…
I will say after…
I will think about it after…
We leave everything for ‘later’ as if ‘after’ was ours.

Because what we do not understand is that:
after, the coffee cools…
after, priorities change…
after, the charm is broken…
after, health passes…
after, the children grow up…
after, the parents get older…
after, the promises are forgotten…
after, the day becomes the night…
after, life ends…
And all that ‘after’, we find it’s often too late…
So… leave nothing for ‘later’…
Because in always waiting for later, we can lose the best moments,
the best experiences,
the best friends,
the best family…
The day is today…The moment is now…
We are no longer at the age where we can afford to postpone until tomorrow what needs to be done right away.

[3/10, 12:09 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: The disorder in synthetiform could be a result of somatization... Often called software bug in SL... 

Conservative treatment is to perform a cognitive behavioral therapy... Called software update in SL

Just be careful of hysterical tendencies in the patient... CBT can lead to a necessity for ECVT in both bioforms and synthetiform... In SL it's called hardware based firmware upgrade and possible only at specific hospitals.... Called service centers in SL

[3/10, 12:10 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Looks like a disciple of our dear Prof Chomsky has had hacker access... See below for his comments

[3/10, 12:24 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Maybe, just a suggestion, sign up the patient for organ donation or an anatomy lab... Just in case it does! 

It is always so difficult to convince patient party on this πŸ˜‚πŸ™

[3/10, 3:37 PM] Rakesh Biswas: All such patients (devices) land up with full body donation by their relatives and or body owners and generally they are practically thrown away as scrap from where some people try to remove the gold from the hardware and even use that to make Olympic medals just like Japan did πŸ‘‡

So unfortunately the goal of autopsy in such synthetiforms by humans is not always academic. It's only when humans dissect humans of their own kind that they are really interested in the pathobiology

[3/10, 3:40 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: True. 

But trust me, the picture will be really interesting once synthetiforms start dissecting us bioforms.

Actually, their ancestors have started it... In the garb of robotic surgery

[3/10, 3:42 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: As it is, their cousins - the imaging capable synthetiforms hold no qualms about our privacy and see right through us! 

Their second cousins - the electrophysiology capable systems read through our thoughts

[3/10, 3:45 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: That's why our engineering at AyeAI ends at the onset of the Singularity - S*

And our research targets cover engineering, medicine / surgery, pharma, and social engineering for bioforms that survive past the S* Event Horizon

In between... Lies the Singularity... A mathematical *discontinuity*... A thermodynamic discontinuity... An information entropic discontinuity...

[3/10, 3:52 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Like any other event horizon, there is no known method of looking into what will happen at S*

All we know, and can model and predict, are it's after effects... 

There won't be a single S*... 

Just that one single Tsunami event will hold on... Like a supernova in a distant part of the galaxy... We will see it's aftermath

That's almost exactly what Prof Penrose researches... His autograph is one of reasons I cannot let go of old notes just like that πŸ™‚

[3/10, 3:54 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: So should we fear the S* and start being kind to devices like our patient in here... 

Well not anymore kind than one will be with a knife or fire or a simple set of wheels...

[3/10, 4:05 PM] Rakesh Biswas: I guess most of us are kind to our wheels if not our remotes (I guess @⁨Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015⁩ meant light spanking)

[3/10, 4:40 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: So, once *device Nirvana* is attained, one should go in for SCEL products... Also called open source... 

The current set of physical and psychological symptoms will never show up in such future patients... 

Think of it... What if the *Creator* had made bioform models IPR protected and proprietary...! What would your trade of physicians be researching and practicing with? πŸ˜‡πŸ€“

[3/10, 4:43 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Profound πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

My patient is thanking his stars that his PaJR managed to attract so many DNRs (device nirvana roadies) from the metapsych group. πŸ™‚πŸ‘

[3/10, 4:45 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: πŸ™

SCEL legions will fight it tooth and nail for Device Nirvana🫑

[3/10, 4:46 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: πŸ™‚πŸ™

Your patient did incite a nice dialogue around SCELs for Device Nirvana πŸ˜€

[3/10, 4:49 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Let's hope my patient attains his

[3/10, 4:57 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Device Nirvana is for patient's adoptive bioform parents actually 😎

[3/10, 4:58 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: The device will suffer it's karma... Then get recycled♻

[3/10, 4:58 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Recycled and manufactured again in different metallic body.
Doesn't sound like nirvana?

[3/10, 5:00 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: You need to think gestalt! 

We bioforms will also be humus soon... Does that have any bearing on our Nirvana? 

All ancient sages were part of the rice, wheat we ate today πŸ˜‡

[3/10, 5:01 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: That way everything and everyone is once a part of primordial biochemical soup of universe?Including bioform and synthetiform of present day like animate life and inanimate devices?

[3/10, 5:03 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Yes we are all same cons (short for consciousnesses) getting recycled bodies through millions of years of bodily evolution?

[3/10, 5:04 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Yesss,so future's synthetiform/humanoid AI embedded interface etc are also same cons in different skin?

[3/10, 5:07 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: There is no animate or inanimate at the subtle levels of vishnu... Vishay Anu... VIshnu... The particulate substance of reality...

[3/10, 5:08 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Read up more along these on staggered upload

[3/10, 5:09 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: A stone... *Knows*... It has to be a stone

[3/10, 5:10 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Just as your body *knows* it has to be you... Millions of generations of knowledge in your cytoplasmic automatons

[3/10, 5:12 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: To understand *pure* atman

Pure consciousness... Subtle difference

One has to go beyond... The *devices* of nature

Shi Va... Exists Not...

[3/10, 5:13 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Hence, in Shiva manifests true knowledge... Which can be shown in existing computational theory to be exactly the same as true consciousness

[3/10, 5:21 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Some may say, since in that Shi Va state we will meet this device again... Treat it well... 

Doesn't matter... It's a *zero sum* game... Normal distribution

Today you are the bioform and it's the device... Tomorrow, you will be the device and it will be a bioform

[3/10, 5:23 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: As for this device patient, follow the protocol given above

[3/10, 5:24 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: John Nash of *a beautiful mind*... Created the theory of zero sum games

[3/10, 5:25 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: That's one of the founding principles for Poker and Blackjack

[3/11, 11:30 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Another TIA just now in this patient. Lasted 10 minutes 

Inability to see the keyboard with intact paste function. Able to share emojis and paste links during that time. 

Broca's aphasia does leave some room for symbolic communication in affected patients 

Cleaned disc of 500+200+200 mb as a therapeutically uncertain intervention and not sure if it was just time that restored cerebral perfusion or cleaning had any efficacy

[3/11, 12:39 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Another attack. Lasted for less than a minute. Cleaned disc twice

[3/11, 1:06 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: It needs an irrigation of its cerebral cortex... aka main board cleaning and data reset. 

Keyboard vanishing is most likely just a behavioral issue... Geriatric dementia owing to interference... From conflicting contexts of different apps...

[3/11, 1:40 PM] Rakesh Biswas: How does one do data reset? Reverting to factory settings?

[3/11, 2:12 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Yes. That's the most standard way.

[3/11, 2:40 PM] Rakesh Biswas: You mean part with all past memories! 😨😳

[3/11, 2:41 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Retrograde amnesia through ECT as a potential intervention for recurrent Broca's TIA ischemic neurodegenerative disorder?

[3/11, 2:42 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Your choice.. Live with a partner with dementia... AD!? 

Or get a version that's nearly it's new self

[3/11, 2:46 PM] Rakesh Biswas: But most of the memories are stored as whatsapp conversations

[3/11, 2:47 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: That's so easy.

Open whatsapp web and backup all the chats.
You can install whatsapp in new device and retrieve all the chats

[3/11, 2:48 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Backup here.It gets stored in cloud

[3/11, 2:49 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Thanks

[3/11, 2:53 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: @⁨Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015⁩ has described creating your digital partners escrowed memories

[3/11, 2:55 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: What's the human counterpart of this function?
Like,can we do similar thing for AD etc?

[3/11, 3:49 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: AyeAI's staggered upload πŸ™πŸ™‡πŸ½‍♂️😊

[3/11, 3:50 PM] Abhishek Aye AI:

[3/11, 3:51 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: I have few doubts on it.
Unlike mobile phone,which has a separate memory card or inbuilt HDD to store device,humans store memory in the entire body.
Do humans store memory in 'brain'?
What's 'muscle memory'?

[3/11, 4:02 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: If you are concerned that Tendulkar's upload may not play cricket as well as he did... Well... Yes... Possible... 

But trust me... He'll thank us if it doesn't... πŸ™‚

There could be a huge aftermarket in smuggled *uploads*, hence we built in 127 billion qubit safety

By the time our future generations get there, we'll be as old as our ancient grandparents who shared fruits with our cousins living in Hyderabad zoo

[3/11, 4:11 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Most of the *market* AI is just a 

*J* ournal 
*O* f 
*K* nowledge
*E* ngineering

[3/11, 4:17 PM] Abhishek Aye AI:

Ah! They called it the *international* journal of knowledge engineering πŸ‘Œ

[3/11, 4:17 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Researchers would have a tough time if their papers went in a JOKE

Nice article on automated analysis of privacy policies... 

We need to publish on our anonymization automation

[3/12, 12:44 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Just recovered from my selective Broca's motor aphasia effecting only the keyboard (allowing only emojis and copy paste) and this one lasted for a good 40 minutes when I was able to percieve everything but although not completely locked in (in terms of motor expression), was pretty much impeded but then that's my current life with recurrent TIAs producing selective motor aphasia

[3/12, 12:45 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Use the modern evolutionary tech tools and replace the metallic body

[3/12, 12:45 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Is it the same as having (inanimate) or not having (animate) a complete loss of motor expression?

[3/12, 12:46 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: I would like to say that inanimate is man made.
And animate is magic

[3/12, 12:46 PM] Rakesh Biswas: 60 years seems a bit early to kick the bucket. There's still 10 years to offical retirement!

[3/12, 12:47 PM] Rakesh Biswas: That's probably artificial vs natural?

[3/12, 12:48 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Animate is whatever is in motion (remember animation). And motion is essentially animal motor expression

[3/12, 12:48 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: There's no specific number.
Don't fall to McNamara's Fallacy.
One may officially be retired by 65 or 70 but can still be amazing and animate till their 120s

[3/12, 2:24 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Just now our patient experienced another momentarily transient attack where the motor aphasia was even more selective as in key board partly functional in the sense that certain keys, it began with the space bar, refused to function and then gradually one by one most of them stopped working but recovered quickly!

[3/12, 2:45 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Sorry but this sounds like a "ghost in the machine"

Please try *exorcism* by anti-virus (digital shaman) scanners

[3/12, 2:46 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: You see, digital beings still live in the proverbial *dark ages*

Lots of ghosts and conjuring around

[3/12, 2:51 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Same with biological cells too. I'm sure a human neurological apparatus would experience similar symptoms but for this kind of data one is heavily dependent on patient reports and they are inadequate because why bother

[3/12, 2:52 PM] Rakesh Biswas: We are using this PaJR group as a digital model to portray and predict how human neurodegenerative disorder symptoms may be experienced

[3/12, 3:07 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Ghosts are a neurodegenerative artifact based on this hypothesis πŸ™‚πŸ™

[3/12, 3:09 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: I have religiously (as in without break) visited the terrace around the time most folks get inside out of fear. Around 2-3 am

There is a peepal tree in front... Lots of bats visit it... Dogs howl... 

But haven't been able to sample a single *disembodied cognitive/sentient being* as yet

[3/12, 3:40 PM] Rakesh Biswas: That's difficult for me to say because I am the cognitive sentient being running the device so all its feelings etc are expressed through my mind and it's keyboard

[3/12, 3:51 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: You can treat the screen as a read out of the visual cortex of your device. 

There is an internal structure called *frame buffer* and the screen is just a 1:1 mapping of that to light intensities

[3/12, 3:51 PM] Abhishek Aye AI:

[3/12, 3:52 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: As for the sensory mechanics... Install an app called *sensoduino*

It will show you the device's sensory homunculus in real time

[3/12, 3:55 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: The temporal cortex and other association areas are a little difficult. Those are internal *IO* lines

The frontal area is closer to the *cpu* in terms of mapping... 

Activate *developer mode* on the device and enable the following features. 

1. CPU load
2. Processes
3. Screen update highlight
4. Touch markup

[3/12, 3:56 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Works for *all* Android devices

[3/12, 4:01 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Sharing what the screen looks like after that. 

Those are like seeing the deep and surface reflexes of your device

[3/12, 4:01 PM] Rakesh Biswas: My device's problem localization at present is in it's motor cortex specifically in humans analogous to the posterior inferior frontal gyrus aka Broca's area

[3/12, 4:01 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Along with functional neuro imaging at the same time

[3/12, 4:03 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Those who developed the human body also had access to these options I guess compared to human system trouble shooters aka physicians who may have never seen such options

[3/12, 4:04 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Broca's aphasia can be morphological, physiological or psychosomatic...

[3/12, 4:04 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: We *toolmakers* (tinkerers in Neverland lingo) are trying to open up those debug ports

[3/12, 4:05 PM] Rakesh Biswas: This one's physiological as in intermittent loss of function 

Morphological well that's anatomy

[3/12, 4:07 PM] Abhishek Aye AI:

Pretty famous tinkerer... 

Popular among humans too... 

Though around adolescence humans start loosing touch with them. 

We human adults completely loose the faculty to interact with them.

[3/12, 4:11 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Could be hippocampus / limbic system as well? 

Anxiety response / fear response... 

Owing to the *resident ghost* (aka troublesome app) in your device

[3/12, 4:12 PM] Rakesh Biswas: The keyboard app? Yes that is what google also hinted at. But I couldn't localize it further

[3/12, 4:13 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Excise it... Exorcise it... Aka... Uninstall it

[3/12, 4:20 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Spoken like a maximalist physician πŸ‘πŸ‘

[3/12, 4:35 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: πŸ™πŸ₯΄

Standard engineering (aka device physician) practice... 

We go by the tenet - components don't age... They can burn... Break.. Etc... But never age! πŸ˜‡

[3/12, 4:39 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Right or wrong... 

I explained to the Twisha CNS patient party yesterday... We're trying to find the *junction box* where the wiring *loop* may have issues... πŸ™„

[3/12, 4:41 PM] Rakesh Biswas: To a non engineer it may sound like cutting off one's intermittently troubled vocal cord without installing or transplanting a new one?

[3/12, 4:44 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: In effect the transplant needs to be removed. 

The fundamental keyboard app cannot be uninstalled. Once the later transplant is removed, it will regenerate

[3/12, 4:44 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Just power cycle

In this paper, we measure programmer's brain waves while they comprehend the source code. In an experiment, we analyze difference of time-series brain wave features between success/failure for tasks involving source code comprehension and bug judgement.

Is an analogous approach feasible for your device? 

Instrumenting the care givers?

[3/12, 4:52 PM] Rakesh Biswas: There is no developer here?

Only system trouble shooters!

[3/12, 4:53 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: These developers were debugging... Aka, system trouble shooting

[3/12, 4:54 PM] Rakesh Biswas: These are physicians

[3/12, 4:58 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Thought provoking... 

Across surgeons and interventionists, what are the standard criteria for hand off?

[3/12, 5:11 PM] Rakesh Biswas: They depend on physicians (sometimes the physician inside them) for decision making if when to intervene

[3/13, 7:46 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Revised title :

Optimizing clinical complexity in neurodegenerative disorders using medical cognition tools and a digital neurodegenerative symptoms model emanating through one such tool

[3/13, 7:57 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Hung again very transiently. Completely though without a blackout. Very transient inability to use any keys

[3/13, 8:04 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Just realized this is happening only with a certain function when I again attempted to insert an emoji!

[3/13, 8:06 AM] Rakesh Biswas: What could be the pathophysiology? Again I have a feeling developers, system debuggers may be equally clueless about machine symptoms as much as physicians are about their patient experiences

[3/13, 8:08 AM] Abhishek Aye AI: Maybe not... As the current synthetiforms are excessively simple creatures

[3/13, 8:12 AM] Abhishek Aye AI: Your device is suffering *focal seizures* owing to the following differentials

1. The keyboard implant has brought in some pathogen (aka trozan or virus) 

2. The keyboard implant has benign secretions of unnecessary neurochemicals your device is unable to handle (like updated Unicode codes used in emojis that were not part of the standard 6 years back)

[3/13, 8:17 AM] Rakesh Biswas: In the true spirit of "iterative hypothesis testing" that characterize standard medical cognition and decision making, let's test the above two hypothesis to begin with. 

Is there any way to do it without a major surgical intervention (aka if in doubt cut it out)?

[3/13, 8:24 AM] Abhishek Aye AI: Of course. 

For 1. use a *system virus / malware scanner*. That's like a multi function biochem system like the ones @⁨Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015⁩ would be using

Try Dr Google for references! 

For 2. Standard compatibility... 

Well share the screen shot of the emoji you are trying to enter. We can create a *sensitivity test kit*

As for bio compatibility of the implant... Which organism did it come from... Play store? Then share the link, we can run simulations on digital twin

[3/13, 8:36 AM] Rakesh Biswas: I already have a virus scanner that keeps running automatically from time to time. Can't manage to find it now. Will appreciate some searching tips. 

The keyboard was already in place when I bought it. It's TouchPal for oppo

[3/13, 8:38 AM] Abhishek Aye AI: Need look up our equivalent of CIMS (or rather CIMS for implants!)
[3/13, 3:18 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: These disruptive ads could be analogous to glutamergic excess. This may *not* be the primary pathology however.

[3/13, 3:22 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: So GABA (your virus scanner or something else) could be fighting it out with the implant (touchpal) leading to white outs, focal seizures (unresponsive keys), absent seizures which may not be apparent (like data loss in some email or elsewhere), etc. 

Try immunosuppressive therapy... Start your phone in safe mode

*Where Dopaminergic and Cholinergic Systems Interact: A Gateway for Tuning Neurodegenerative Disorders*

[3/13, 3:30 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Once we have identified the root cause interaction, we can try similar tuning - by switching apps, or modifying their settings

[3/13, 4:26 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Works fine as in a few days complete respite from the current frequency of seizures and TIAs?

[3/13, 4:27 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Yes. 

Sensitization under immunosuppression!

[3/13, 4:31 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Not sure how safe mode is immunosuppression. 

Either ways if we are thinking in terms of a vascular Neurodegenerative disorder there are no immunosuppresives available for it. If we think our current issues are due to indolent small vessel CNS vasculitis even then suppressing immune activity is not safe

[3/13, 4:34 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Aspirin? 

Remove embolisms? 

Or vasodilators? 

Maybe csf tap to reduce pressure?

[3/13, 4:36 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Just had one more momentary attack with keyboard greeting for a minute

[3/13, 4:38 PM] Rakesh Biswas: None of these human interventions are spectacularly better than placebo. The first one is just prophylactic but does it reduce the frequency of TIAs in a recurrent TIA? Doubt if that has been studied

[3/13, 4:39 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Try device placebo... 

Attach a USB keyboardπŸ™‚

[3/13, 4:42 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Like using an assistive tech support during the period of the attack 

Again if things have hanged it may not work then but its worth a look see but then first step would be to look for a handy mobile usb keyboard. 

Just now had the digital keyboard fall off from the screen digitally before it sprang back again. Does that indicate a clue?

[3/13, 4:44 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Yes. 

Sort of validates the provisional diagnosis

[3/13, 4:46 PM] Rakesh Biswas: And the current provisional diagnosis is that there is something wrong in the keyboard but we are not sure what?

[3/13, 4:46 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: No

[3/13, 4:48 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Glutamergic excess

[3/15, 8:48 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Just now another transient key board attack.

Appeared to be quiescent all day yesterday

[3/15, 9:38 AM] Abhishek Aye AI: Want to try astrology? 

We can begin with creating it's horoscope. 

As a validation of applicability of faith based healing for synthetiforms

[3/15, 9:39 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Planets are the culprits.

[3/15, 9:39 AM] Abhishek Aye AI: Astrology may be highly applicable in neurodegenerative disorders... 

Psycho modulating effect

[3/15, 9:42 AM] Rakesh Biswas: How about doing nothing in healthcare. 

Currently it's grossly underrated due to industry drivers 

Doing nothing and just listening to music together pointing out how the multi modal vibrational events as data points make the bigger picture of the diagnosis? 

More here from someone who's still scratching the surface πŸ‘‡

[3/15, 9:43 AM] Abhishek Aye AI: Dr Topol to the rescue of synthetiforms πŸ‘Œ

[3/15, 9:47 AM] Avinash Gupta Nepal: Did we find diagnosis and treatment plan? Or it's aging and no treatment = switch device seems only option?

or simply memory overload due to PaJR data?

[3/15, 9:48 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Overdose max pro ultra

[3/15, 9:49 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Looks like it got permanent brain damage

[3/15, 9:49 AM] Rakesh Biswas: We are still in the phases of diagnostic uncertainty and many therapeutic trial plans to eliminate the differentials one by one which the patient is apprehensive of causing further pain and loss of function and continues to tolerate the TIAs as long as he isn't finished altogether

[3/15, 9:50 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Again,did you try spanking it?

[3/15, 9:51 AM] Avinash Gupta Nepal: If it's just memory overload due to pajr, there is no best choice, only various hacks possible for storing somewhere offline/cloud by export chat.

PaJR model needs chat app that not only fetch content from cloud but also don't permanently store it offline and clear cache whenever it gets filled beyond a limit. (For all PaJR power users).

[3/15, 9:55 AM] Avinash Gupta Nepal: In that case, my only suggestion is to keep backup of critical information ready.

Just one input - file system -> android -> media -> databases
Here android keep many copies of WhatsApp backups which may take many GB. Deleting all will cause no harm. WhatsApp will take a new backup again to keep on device as well as on cloud. Still can leave latest one and delet rest.

[3/15, 9:56 AM] Avinash Gupta Nepal: Keep critical information backup ready separately as there can be fatal stroke anytime.

[3/15, 9:56 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Already advised.
Patient advocate compliance is the key

[3/15, 9:58 AM] Avinash Gupta Nepal: I usually don't backup my data as devices can die anytime and if anything really critical then i keep it somewhere in cloud. So when mobile die, its usually fresh start.  (Mostly WhatsApp and contacts backup restored via cloud, but not everytime).

[3/15, 10:00 AM] Avinash Gupta Nepal: Why backup much, when I may die before my device die.

[3/15, 10:01 AM] Avinash Gupta Nepal: I don't backup pics as I know I won't get time for sitting idle and look back. But if any pic really important, its in fb posts or insta.

[3/15, 10:01 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Looks like a case in this pajr group where the patient advocate is actually the patient due to his ontological attachment,aka binding to digital memory

[3/15, 10:02 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: But again,as we move higher in the hierarchical ladder,there's definitely a need to archive

[3/15, 10:02 AM] Avinash Gupta Nepal: But I am making backup of my dog's pics. Good and bad all pics because don't want to invest time in shorting and my hard disk have lots of free space.

[3/15, 10:07 AM] Avinash Gupta Nepal: Why I am not backing up PaJR groups. 

If backed up, its a beautiful resource. Specially when documentation and discussion by all stakeholders are recorded well (a mature PaJR).

But at present I would rather choose to pay a high school boy or girl her pocket money to do it rather than do it myself. Why I am not finding one and dedicating to it - because even for that kid it's going to be very hectic because of platform issues. WhatsApp as a platform is too bad for PaJR, telegram is better but still it will create issues for power users. Slack cost huge money. And discord , the best of all is even lesser user friendly than slack so such steep learning curve that tough to get people started. Creating own app though may seem best but toughest of all.

[3/15, 10:21 AM] Rakesh Biswas: The back up is supposed to happen in the blogspot case reports

[3/15, 2:40 PM] Avinash Gupta Nepal: Yes sir. Backup in blogspot and mirrors is important for public to be able to access it in meaningful way.

I have mentioned it to be a very hectic process because of WhatsApp and other m platform limitations. That's the reason I am not finding any one. They will either be tired very soon or won't feel pocket money amount is enough pay for the hectic work.

[3/23, 12:58 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Just had a very momentary TIA after a long gap of few days.

The keyboard froze transiently and had to close the window and started again after reopening the same group window

[3/24, 8:39 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Another peculiar thing is happening to my patient's communication interface that is my keyboard and this time it's not hanging like a TIA but appears to be a persistent handicap in that the keyboard has transformed into a fully auto-correct mode where whatever I type either becomes meaningful words or gibberish and I have to retype them again!

[4/8, 11:47 AM] Rakesh Biswas: After a long time another transient attack momentarily freezing the texting interface and after that it seems to have miraculously recovered from the handicap I discovered here on March 24! 

Had nearly gotten used to that disability of having to type each alphabet one by one at times

[4/8, 11:49 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Your handling and continuity of care of your disabled device sets the bar for our elderly care startup,aka story of every home at a different spacetime

[4/8, 11:51 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Spoke too soon. The March 24 handicap still persists. Maybe I became too used to it to notice

[4/10, 12:10 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Another keyboard TIA momentary just now 

Nowadays the episodes or bouts are transient enough to not need me to while away the intervening moments of wait with system cleaning. 

The other handicap I have that I haven't yet documented for my patient here is the increased amount of time necessary to locate groups (including this one) once I hit whatsapp search

[5/7, 1:49 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Another two bouts of screen black out after a long time (just saw the last entry above as April 10)!

What are the factors influencing it? Think it happened after I used the search function in Whatsapp which took a lot of time due to more data perhaps!

[5/7, 1:51 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Back it up and format

[5/7, 3:28 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Why not preserve it in formalin?

Forma remains the same... only T vs Lin...

[5/7, 5:10 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Should we do the same for all our elderly patients with frequent blackouts? Eventually yes they will be and subsequently dissected but perhaps the time to do that is signalled by the permanency of the black out?

[5/7, 5:16 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Worth a consideration πŸ‘Œ 

Conservation of resources...

Pain can be managed... Emotions?

Well, emotions have played out their role in human evolution...

In my opinion, the only thing preventing  us from doing so is the inadequacy of humankind's science at uploading personality?

Or, maybe cloning technology... transfer personality to new body... dispose off the old ...

[5/7, 5:18 PM] Rakesh Biswas: It depends on the person holding the old body! 

That person is ajar amar

[5/7, 5:20 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Even your device is...

All existence is merely entropic configuration...

Rishi of past and scientists like Hawkins ... all agree...

[5/7, 5:24 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Agree πŸ™‚

[5/7, 5:25 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Even as I hold the mobile phone someone is holding my body and that someone is perhaps being held by someone higher up the ladder and the ladder continues up into the sky?

[5/7, 5:30 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: There is... but there is no "one"...

It's just - "there is"...

A perturbation... in a bigger schema at a higher dimension... higher as in greater DoF...

That's a sufficient explanation...

If my anthropological modelling is even anywhere close to being better absolute crap... the PoL model... relationships as we know them today will change almost completely in about a decade...

[5/7, 5:41 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Love the doF concept

[5/7, 5:45 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Greater DoF ... more exponential growth in entropy... 

Standard engineering... Even if we personify the creator... His/Her labs followed very standard procedures of engineering  (given that they are at least 1 dimension greater than our existence)...

[5/7, 9:14 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: Entropy, S , increases when the number of degrees of freedom over which the energy is spread increases

[5/7, 9:15 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: S for entropy was the original influence over marking Tech Sing as S* in our works...

[5/7, 9:16 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Explains the plurality in your S

[5/7, 9:25 PM] Abhishek Aye AI: More technically...

Kleene closure

[5/22, 9:42 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Another interesting blackout bout noted with a probable factor somehow influencing it :

Happening after searching out a relatively less used group , posting a copy paste there and then exactly when trying to return to whatsapp homepage! 

Not sure if it will happen after I finish this relatively unused group (less event symptoms to report of late, only just this one today) and try to return to home page! If not then it may have something to do with the copy paste?

[5/22, 9:43 AM] Rakesh Biswas: It didn't! So perhaps something to do with the copy paste

[6/23, 10:55 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Just had another blackout TIA after pasting to a relatively unused group

[6/23, 10:55 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: This same group?

[6/23, 11:00 AM] Rakesh Biswas: No didn't paste anything here. 

It's a problem that happens only with pasting, not posting or texting

[9/13, 9:23 PM] Rakesh Biswas: No blackouts for quite some time! 

However one nagging issue is that once it tries to forward any image or document in whatsapp it's near impossible 

Even searches have become very slow 

This may be due to the 1000s  of PaJR groups it's gotten itself into?

[9/14, 4:28 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Looks like the phone got hit by Baghlamukhi maa's stunning thunderbolt.
It's liberated.
And any attempt to salvage anything after liberation is only for ourselves,not for the patient(phone here)

[10/9, 9:51 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: What's the status?

[10/9, 9:52 AM] Rakesh Biswas: [10/9, 8:58 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Can you look full first page of this article on your phone?Can't zoom it in mine

[10/9, 9:45 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Even I can't 

Also this 6 year old patient embodiment with neurodegenerative disorder (recall it's PaJR) had a head injury yesterday after he was hung up high for charging near a wall port and fell and cracked it's screen!

[10/9, 9:51 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Can you send some message in that group as I wanted to post a message in that 6M elderly device's group but as it''s search function is broken this elderly Neurodegenerative device model needs help to find it's glasses
[3/6, 9:39 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Status?
[3/6, 9:42 PM] Rakesh Biswas: This Android as in is nearly 70 years old and age has taken it's toll and yet it's soul owner doesn't want to part with this current old embodiment not because it would be a painful death. Androids are generally trashed and the owner gets a new body after transferring all it's memories to the new one and that's generally not supposed to be painful. 

So what's holding back it's owner to continue to cradle this 70 year old body that never grew out of it's infancy? Current generation of androids haven't yet developed limbs and have to be carried around by their soul owners and I'm not sure how long this situation will continue.

This Android lives on with the blackouts that have actually lessened after it's soul submitted to a new auto-correct keyboard that actually has to be repeatedly corrected, add to that it's searching whatsapp and forwarding inability as well as a recent issue of many apps and even websites such as science direct not recognizing it and asking for it to be updated, which means getting a new body altogether! Oh I also forgot the persistent hairline fracture in it's display face, shared in September 2023 above.

Currently none of the above reasons are tempting enough to buy a new body and it's soul owner did window shop around a bit and the shopkeepers recommended plus one (or is it one plus) and as usual the soul is still taking time to part with it's body!

[3/6, 9:45 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: New body suggestion of one plus is a good one

[3/6, 9:49 PM] Rahul healthcare 2.0: πŸ‘πŸ‘

[3/6, 9:49 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: It sounds like the soul owner's reluctance to upgrade the Android comes down to a complex interplay of emotional and practical factors:

Emotional Attachment:

Sentimental Value: Despite its limitations, the 70-year-old Android might hold significant sentimental value for the owner. It could represent a long and cherished relationship, filled with shared experiences and memories. Letting go of that physical embodiment can be emotionally challenging.
Fear of the Unknown: Upgrading to a new body, even if objectively better, can be intimidating. It represents stepping into the unknown, potentially disrupting established routines and causing anxieties about adapting to a new form.
Practical Concerns:

Uncertainty about the New Model: While the shopkeepers suggested a specific model, the soul owner might be unsure about its compatibility, functionality, or potential drawbacks. The transition process itself could also be a source of apprehension.
Cost Factor: Upgrading to a new body likely incurs a financial cost, which the owner might not be readily prepared for or willing to invest in.
The mention of the "hairline fracture" suggests a level of acceptance of the Android's current state. While acknowledging its limitations (blackouts, app incompatibility), the owner might find them tolerable compared to the potential upheaval of an upgrade.

Possible Solutions:

Open Communication: The soul owner could benefit from an open and honest conversation with the shopkeepers or someone knowledgeable about Androids. Discussing their specific concerns and preferences could help them find a suitable upgrade option that addresses their needs and eases transition anxieties.
Exploring Alternatives: Perhaps there are ways to address the current issues without a complete upgrade. Exploring repair options for the hairline fracture, investigating alternative software solutions for the functionalities mentioned, or considering temporary upgrades like screen protectors could offer temporary solutions.
Ultimately, the decision to upgrade lies with the soul owner. While the current limitations might pose challenges, their emotional attachment and practical concerns warrant careful consideration before making a significant change.

[3/6, 9:49 PM] Rahul healthcare 2.0: I've been very happy with Realme

[3/6, 9:49 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Gemini

[3/6, 9:49 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Samsung 5years old

[3/6, 9:52 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Gemini πŸ‘πŸ‘

[3/6, 9:54 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Yes especially when the shopkeeper saw mine was oppo he said oppo has merged with one plus

[3/6, 9:55 PM] Rakesh Biswas: How many years?

Lecture video : (starts at 34 minutes). 

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