Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Sample "clinical problem solving logs" from 2020-21.

This clarifies further on our call here: http://medicinedepartment.blogspot.com/2022/01/inviting-potential-prize-winners-and.html?m=1 for delegates to our clinical problem solving 2022 conference hackathon for which "clinical problem solving 2022" prizes will be awarded. 

To understand the process further please find below a few sample "clinical problem solving logs" from 2020-21. 

MBBS 2016 current intern batch clinical problems archived and solved when they were 4rth year medical students :

Paraparesis :

Shortness of breath :

Three students with the same patient interviewed through Telemedicine during lockdown :


Malignancy paraplegia :

Down's syndrome :

Osteomalacia :

PG of 2018 entry to MD Medicine :

Polyarthritis and anasarca :

Clinical problem solving presentation video : 

Traumatic brain injury and patient centered medical cognition :

Elective students

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