Sunday, November 7, 2021

November 2021 weekly log and outcomes of regular patient centered learning sessions

This is a regular academic session impact assessment log for the post graduate residency training program comprising currently of residents of 2019 and 2020 batch. 

The training program comprises of a regular hands on learning of clinical decision making during the bedside rounds from 10 AM to 1:00 PM as well as 2-4 sessions officially divided daily into:

Theory on Monday, 

Seminar on Tuesday, 

Journal club on Wednesday, 

Tutorial on Thursday 

Group discussion on Friday 

Log Book audit on Saturday 

These are blended learning sessions with both online and offline components and while the offline learning timings are as mentioned above, the online component of the learning continues 24x7.

The overall impact of each learning session is assessed under two main headings as impact on the student and impact on patient. 

The detailed headings are :

Impact : 

On learning ecosystem :

Cognitive competency levels touched in different levels of Blooms taxonomy BT (more here :

Approach to disease localization (BT level 1 -3)

Resolving initial diagnostic uncertainty (BT level 1-4)

Therapeutic decision making toward evaluating patient requirements and outcome (BT level 1-5)

Developing and testing innovative diagnostic and therapeutic solutions ( BT level 1-6)

On patient care outcomes :

Was empathic trust built with patient and relatives?

Were the patient requirements identified adequately and a proper problem list made toward assessment? 

Was standard of care provided with provision for care continuity ?

1st November 


Cerebral venous thrombosis 
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 

Presentation video: 

Presenter Dr Chandana  
Dr Sai Govind 

Attendees Other PGs and UGs 

Impact : 

On learning ecosystem :

Cognitive competency levels touched (BT level 1-4) :

Approach to CNS localization 
Resolving initial diagnostic uncertainty 
Therapeutic decision making 

On patient care outcomes (achieved with BT level 1-4) :

Empathic trust built with patient and relatives 

Standard of care provided with provision for care continuity  

Window of opportunity (needs BT level 1-6): Needs better innovative solutions for her current problems. 

2nd November 2021


clinical seminar 2-4 PM 

Presenter Dr Zain
Dr Pavan 

Coronary artery disease, heart failure and unstable angina, sudden death 

Presentation video 

Attended by Other PGs and UGs 

Impact : 

On learning ecosystem :

Cognitive competency levels touched :

Approach to cardiac failure in terms of understanding symptomatology, clinical and investigational findings 
(BT level 1-4)

On patient care outcomes (through BT level 1-4) :

Standard of care provided but condition worsened and mortality was the patient outcome 

Window to future: better innovative solutions in terms of diagnostic monitoring and prediction tools as well as better therapeutic effectiveness of newer interventions. 

3rd November 2021


Journal club 2-4 PM 

Obstructive sleep apnoea non CPAP therapeutic options :

Presenter Dr Chandana 

Attended by Other PGs and UGs 

Impact : 

On learning ecosystem (achieved BT level 1-4)

Enhanced knowledge of clinical diagnosis and available therapeutic interventions for obstructive sleep apnoea 

On patient care outcomes (through BT 1-4) :

Empathic trust built with patient and relatives 

Standard of care provided with provision for care continuity  

4th November 2021


Tutorial 2-4 PM 


5th November 2021


Group discussion 2-4 PM 

Periodic fever, seizures and glomerular injury 

Review of literature :

Attended by Other PGs and UGs 

Impact : 

On learning ecosystem ( achieved BT level 1-4) :

Enhanced knowledge of clinical diagnosis and available therapeutic interventions for "periodic fever" 

On patient care outcomes (using BT level 1-4) :

Offered the above learning points to the patient and his relatives and made them aware that their rare disease has been described before (initially globally in 1987) and available solutions identified although in terms of therapeutic outcomes not much was achieved except reducing overinvestigations and overtreatment of an hitherto unknown PUO.

6th November 2021


Log Book evaluation :

All UG and PG log books are available here :

Dr Ajit PGY1 : 

Logbook accessible here :

Impact : 

On learning ecosystem :

Cognitive competency levels touched in different levels of Blooms taxonomy BT (more here :

Approach to disease localization (BT level 1 -3)

Resolving initial diagnostic uncertainty (BT level 1-4)

Therapeutic decision making toward evaluating patient requirements and outcome (BT level 1-5)

Developing and testing innovative diagnostic and therapeutic solutions ( BT level 1-6)

On patient care outcomes :

Was empathic trust built with patient and relatives?

Were the patient requirements identified adequately and a proper problem list made toward assessment? 

Was standard of care provided with provision for care continuity ?

Short summary of competencies  attained till now :

BT level 1-4 

Specific comments :

Selective in workflow situations and chooses to limit his talents to procedures.  Needs to improve on his fast reading, comprehension and writing skills to create better impact on the UGs and co PGs 

Dr Zain :

Impact : 

On learning ecosystem :

Cognitive competency levels touched in different levels of Blooms taxonomy BT (more here :

Approach to disease localization (BT level 1 -3)

Resolving initial diagnostic uncertainty (BT level 1-4)

Therapeutic decision making toward evaluating patient requirements and outcome (BT level 1-5)

Developing and testing innovative diagnostic and therapeutic solutions ( BT level 1-6)

On patient care outcomes :

Was empathic trust built with patient and relatives?

Were the patient requirements identified adequately and a proper problem list made toward assessment? 

Was standard of care provided with provision for care continuity ?

Short summary of competencies  attained till now :

BT level 1-4 

Specific comments :

Able to establish good rapport with patients and obtain follow up although chooses to limit it to few occasions.
Needs to improve on his fast reading, comprehension and writing skills to create better impact on the UGs and co PGs 

8th November 


Dr Zain

Ramya Tulsi Tejasree



Attendees Other PGs and UGs 

Impact : 

On learning ecosystem :

Cognitive competency levels touched :
Approach to clinical localization of disease pathology

On patient care outcomes :

Empathic trust built with patient and relatives 

Standard of care provided with provision for care continuity  

One patient of hypotension with Weils disease died while the other with hypotension due to cardiac tamponade survived after pericardiocentesis. 

Window of opportunity : Need blooms taxonomy level 6 discussion to develop better innovative solutions among the students but it's not happening anytime soon. 

9th November 2021


clinical seminar 2-4 PM 

Differentiating spondyloarthropathy with peripheral arthritis from Rheumatoid arthritis 


Dr Rashmita

Context : 



Presentation video 

Attended by Other PGs and UGs 

Impact : 

On learning ecosystem :

Cognitive competency levels touched :

Approach to polyarthritis  in terms of understanding symptomatology, clinical and investigational findings 

On patient care outcomes :

Standard of care provided but difficult to meet patient requirements 

Window to future: better innovative solutions in terms of  better therapeutic effectiveness 

10th November 2021


Journal club 2-4 PM 

Dapagliflozin in Patients with Heart Failure and Reduced Ejection Fraction .
RCT - placebo control trial .

P- Total 4744 patients with HFref .
2373- Dapagliflozin 10mg od .
2371 - placebo

I- Dapagliflozin vs placebo

C- Placebo 

O - The primary outcome was a composite of worsening heart failure (hospitalization or an urgent visit resulting in intravenous therapy for heart failure) or cardiovascular death.
1) 237 - In dapaglifozin grp had worsening heart failure and 227- Died.
2) 326- placebo had worsening HF
273- DIED .


Among patients with heart failure and a reduced ejection fraction, the risk of worsening heart failure or death from cardiovascular causes was lower among those who received dapagliflozin than among those who received placebo, regardless of the presence or absence of diabetes.

But pts who were included , dapagliflozon had more patients with NYHA class 2  and placebo had more pts with NYHA class 3,4 HF . Which can explain frequent hospital admissions in them .

Presenter Dr KV 

Context : A patient without diabetes started on dapagliflozin --- Link :

Attended by Other PGs and UGs 

Impact : 

On learning ecosystem :

Newer therapeutic trials awareness 

On patient care outcomes :

Was more confident of stopping the intervention after ascertaining it's non clinical significance after critical appraisal of the journal article.

11th November 2021


Group discussion 2-4 PM 

Rheumatic fever diagnostic uncertainty and overinvestigations after referral 

Headache and migraine 

Context: Long distance referrals for diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty 

Attended by Other PGs and UGs 

Impact : 

On learning ecosystem :

History taking and patient education demo in action 

On patient care outcomes :

Patient education and continuation of beneficial care 

12th November 2021


Log Book evaluation :

Interns 2015 residual batch of thirty on trial to finalize their internship completion on the basis of their apparent learning competencies attained at the end of their internship. 

Their logs are accessible here :

13th November 2021

14th November 2021


15th  November 2021



Potts spine 

Presented by 

Dr Nikita 

Context :

39 M

30 M


Clinical seminar 

November 16, 2021

Clinical seminar 

Management of seizures 


Dr Raveen 

Dr Kalyan 


November 17 2021

Journal club 

In this context:, the journal club for today required browsing through quite a few articles such as these here 👇

And a typical journal club RCT article with ridiculous efficacy such as this one 

Second Article and context :

50 patients presenting to the hospital with peritonitis. 

39 of them had typical infectious peritonitis, and their mean peritoneal fluid amylase level was 11.1 (range, 0 to 90). 

6 patients had pancreatitis and a mean peritoneal fluid amylase level of 550 U/L (range, 100 to 1,140 U/L). 

5 patients were found to have other intra-abdominal pathology, and their mean peritoneal fluid amylase level was 816 U/L (range, 142 to 1,746 U/L).

Context : 

November 18, 2021

Thursday :

Tutorial : CNS localization 

Presenter : Dr A Vaishnavi, Dr Zain, Dr Raveen and 

Dr Bhavani 

November 19, 2021


Group discussion: 

Context : PUO in a male diabetic with loin pain and lower urinary tract symptoms of urgency and burning 

Presenters : Dr Vaishnavi, Dr Nikita, Dr Pooja (intern) and Dr (Soujanya 2017)

Impact : 

On learning ecosystem :

Cognitive competency levels touched :

Approach to clinical localization of disease pathology was done reasonably well and differential diagnostic hypothesis formulated in the face of high diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty 

On patient care outcomes :

Empathic trust built with patient and relatives 

Standard of care provided with provision for care continuity  

Challenges met/not met : 

Fever monitoring and post admission illness timeline was well supervised. 

Imaging and labs for further  clinical localization of the PUO was driven by the discussion 

Multiple therapeutic interventions were made for the differentials in the face of diagnostic uncertainty further driven by ongoing patient suffering and an attempt to gather the "medical cognition" learning points made here : 

November 20, 2021


Log Book assessment: Dr AV, Dr Nikita 

Context : An elderly patient with severe anemia, hypotension, severe metabolic acidosis, encephalopathy and recent fracture femur 

Case report link :

Impact : 

On learning ecosystem :

Cognitive competency levels touched :

Approach to clinical localization of disease pathology was done reasonably well and differential diagnostic hypothesis formulated 

On patient care outcomes :

Empathic trust built with patient and relatives 

Standard of care provided with provision for care continuity  

Challenges met/not met : managing diagnostic  arranging of repeating hemoglobin levels, repeat imaging to assess hematoma, continuing dialysis, reviewing the literature around giving bicarbonate in high anion gap metabolic acidosis and an attempt to gather the "medical cognition" learning points made here : 

Theory on Monday, 22nd - 
Alcoholic DCMP with HFrEF

Ataxic gait

Video link

Seminar on Tuesday,  23rd

Topic- Infective endocarditis

Video link

Journal club on Wednesday, 24th

Liu H, Qiao L, He Z. Wernekink commissure syndrome: a rare midbrain syndrome. Neurol Sci. 2012 Dec;33(6):1419-21. doi: 10.1007/s10072-012-0966-4. Epub 2012 Feb 4. PMID: 22307446.

A clinically rare midbrain syndrome- Wernekink syndrome discussed in the context of following patient

Tutorial on Thursday 25th

Importance of direct visualisation of 2D ECHO rather than mere measures values with emphasis on different planar views.
Video link

Group discussion on Friday  26th

Detection of Rifampicin resistance by gene probe assay(CBNAAT)

95% of mutations associated with rifampin resistance occur in an 81-bp core region of the bacterial RNA polymerase gene, rpoB. (enzyme involved in synthesis of target site of Rifampicin)

All mutations that occur within this region result in rifampin resistance. 
The assay uses novel nucleic acid hybridization probes called molecular beacons. 

Five different probes are used in the same reaction, each perfectly complementary to a different target sequence within the rpoB gene of rifampin-susceptible bacilli and each labeled with a differently colored fluorophore.
Together, their target sequences encompass the entire core region. 

The generation of all five fluorescent colors during PCR amplification indicates that rifampin-susceptible M. tuberculosis is present. 

The presence of any mutation in the core region prevents the binding of one of the molecular beacons, resulting in the absence of one of the five fluorescent colors

Log Book audit on Saturday 27th

Theory on Monday- 29th-

Video link

Seminar on Tuesday- 30th


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