Thursday, October 7, 2021

BDS 2018 batch August 2021 Internal assessment question paper prepared from patient data driven group learning with shared date and time links from the group



Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                     Max Marks: 70

Note:  Answer all questions

Give Diagrammatic representation wherever necessary                Date: 30.08.2021

Write an essay on the following questions:                                                         9X2=18

1)write a note on pattern of fever in dengue,describe a)pathophysiology of serositis, bleeding manifestations in dengue fever.
b) management of dengue fever.

2)Define Chronic kidney disease.(CKD)
How do you  differentiate between Acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease.
what are the  indications for initiating dialysis?

Write Short note on the following:                                                                     8X4=32
3)Enumerate NSAID’s, (non -steroidal anti inflammatory drugs)describe their mechanism of action and effect on kidneys.

4)Write about the pathophysiology of developing
Heart failure in Chronic kidney disease.
Hypertension in Chronic kidney disease.

5)Differential diagnosis of pain in epigastrium.

6)How to approach a case of suspected pulmonary Tuberculosis? add a note on its management

7)What is deep vein thrombosis?  write about Etiology and management of DVT.

8)Describe the physiology of speech  and differentiate between aphasia and dysarthria.
(discussed in whatsapp group)

9)Pathophysiology of AKI (acute kidney injury)
a)urinary tract infection 
b)Snake bite
c)Gastro enteritis
d)Renal calculi

10)Enumerate on clinical manifestations of Microvascular dysfunction in diabetes. 
(discussed during rounds)

Write Briefly on the following:                                                                         10X2=20
11)What is pulmonary edema? Describe the clinical features, X-Ray findings and etiology.

12)Evaluation of edema.

13)Systemic manifestations of alcohol consumption.

14)What is role of fluid and salt restriction in patients with heart failure.

15)Write about pathophysiology of anemia in CKD.(chronic kidney disease)

16)How do you evaluate a case of low backache.
(whatsapp discussion)

17)Mention Causes for thrombocytopenia.

18)Write lesions in oral cavity.

19)Modes of transmission of HIV, Hepatitis B.

20)Etiology of COPD(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) in kidney disease.

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