Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Virtual case bank Hematology


28 year old man, civil engineer,presented to the casualty with the complains of 
1.Vomitings since 15 days 
2.High colored urine since 4 days 
3.Dyspnea on exertion since 3 days


Dr Soundarya 2015

A 47 year old woman presented to OPD with complaints of difficulty in breathing since 10 days not aggravated or relieved with positional or diurnal variation palpitations since 10 days which were short lasting

Dr Ruchita 2015

15 year old woman with chief complains of
Generalised weakness since 1 month 
Loss of appetite since 1 month 
Headache since 1 month
Yellowish discoloration of sclera and  urine since 1 week
Vomitings since 3 days 

Dr Advitha 2015

60 year old woman with anemia 

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