Monday, May 11, 2020

Web log driven online learning portfolios for Daily Formative assessments

To take you to the point where you may be able to appreciate how and why web log books can be used as a valuable learning tool that can positively impact patient outcomes in this hospital I shall try to begin this journey from our current existing paper based log books. Shared below are some images of its key pages each of which I shall discuss separately again below regarding their importance and how web-logbooks can improve on them.

Figure 1

Figure 1 shows the first important page that you see in your log book and it appears to be all about yourself as a PG. What would you like to write about yourself has been suggested although I am not sure if that actually tells us a lot about what you have already attained in your previous years of graduation in terms of your learning. It just tells us that you have cleared some memory based exams to reach your current position.

Figure 2

Figure 2 shows the next page in your log book which is about evaluation of your clinical work day wise. Now considering that you will be working everyday as a PG 365 days a year, I guess the number of pages are grossly inadequate? 🤔😬

Now there are three more type of slots in your log book meant to assess the kind of presentations you have made in terms of 'Journal review,' seminar and case presentation.

So now that you know the university log book requirements well, we just need to come to the most important part of our session and that is how would expanding this paper based log book workflow into a web based log book (and online learning portfolio) be useful for you or the institution.

Here's an online log book from a PG in RIMs Ranchi, India where you can notice the first page of the bio data although not the other pages like day to day work or case presentations or seminars or journal reviews although you can see a lot of his seminar based publications in the past done in his UG and early PG years

Online learning portfolio on research gate 

Here's an online log book (web based portfolio) from a PG in AIIMS Delhi and again you will notice that it contains much less than what is recommended in the paper based format.

Online learning portfolio in LinkedIn 

Here's another more dynamic and impactful online learning portfolio from another PG in AIIMS Delhi

Online learning portfolio in quora

Here you will notice that he has included a case presentation and even a useful seminar answer to someone's query (which shows that his seminar can actually have a wider impact among global users and readers of his portfolio.

He has off course included a lot of other content, which shall we just say is not a part of his syllabus and that brings us to the important point that Online portfolio based learning is not just bound by the narrow confines of a university syllabus which is again one of the reasons some universities who are way behind in creating academic impact will have little to do with it.

As PGs when we chose our profession we had a dream of making an impact and reaching out to a wider audience. This impact can only happen if all of us who are part of the medical college hospital based learning ecosystem strive to improve together. In the beginning straddling two different tools could appear daunting rather than a value addition but we must realize that this is not to burden ourselves additionally but to actually lessen our burden. Any day and in any way if you feel burdensome you can feel free to make an anonymous post and share and we shall try to address that issue without being judgemental. The online learning portfolio ecosystem affords us the luxury of both anonymity as well as transparency.

Here's an online portfolio from one PG from our institution who has made it an anonymous portfolio and we are perfectly fine with that as every individual has a right to express him/herself in his/her own manner.

The most important thing that differentiates a portfolio from a paper based log book is that the portfolio brings out the personality of the individual and the point here is that one can guage and admire an author's personality just through his/her reflective writings even if one is unable to identify the author.

Another learning portfolio from our PG with case presentations and her thesis plan. This portfolio is not anonymous although there is no bio page yet.

Another learning portfolio from our PG which is all about her thesis and details about her thesis cases. This can be very useful to obtain learning inputs on your thesis on a case by case basis.

Here are Web logs of different procedural videos from our institution demonstrating the procedural competencies of the individuals who are performing them.

Bone marrow aspiration biopsy procedural competency video

Renal biopsy procedural competency video

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