Thursday, July 2, 2020

Virtual Clinical Long and Short cases Online Question bank

For more about why this sudden epidemic of virtual assessments that have enormous endemic potential please see the link here

We share below links to our virtual cases who are not simulations but deidentified real patients with whom our doctors are in regular touch through online Telemedicine virtually. We do this following a case report publication model after obtaining signed informed consent from every patient and ensuring anonymity. 

1) Where are the different anatomical locations for the cause of the problem  for each of these patients?

2) What is the most likely pathology and etiology in that anatomical location?

3) What are the diagnostic and therapeutic options in such situations and what is the efficacy of each option/intervention?

4) Please share questions that come to your mind upon going through each of the cases.

Respiratory system 






Github Link to our global cases from multiple locations:

73 cases in this web based log book  from LNMCH courtesy, research assistant,  Kuldeep Gupta

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