Thursday, July 2, 2020

Virtual case based assessment post covid

Why Virtual case based assessment post covid? 

What/Current status 

The final university MD Medicine summative assessments are the usual exit point and opportunity for residents to ascend to a higher hierarchy in the healthcare ecosystem with many becoming practicing consultants and many going ahead for further fellowships in organ based specialties. 

How/Proposed exam design 
(as per current Council guidelines) 

MCI guidelines for Clinical / Practical and Oral Viva examination quoted below verbatim from their website PDF document linked below:

"(i) Clinical examination for the subjects in Clinical Sciences shall be 
conducted to test the knowledge and competence of the candidates 
for undertaking independent work as a specialist/Teacher, for which 
candidates shall examine a minimum one long case and two short 

ii) The Oral examination shall be thorough and shall aim at assessing 
the candidate knowledge and competence about the subject, 
investigative procedures, therapeutic technique and other aspects of 
the speciality, which form a part of the examination."

Post covid the MCI has issued another addendum guideline that directs the colleges to conduct the exams in the virtual mode with virtual long and short cases. 

Image of whatsapp circulated letter below:

In view of the above we share below links to our virtual cases who are not simulations but deidentified real patients with whom our doctors are in regular touch through online Telemedicine virtually. 

Please click here

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