Monday, June 12, 2023

2018 reflective self portfolio assessment classified

These links to online learning portfolio summaries, classifies the same batch students depending on their current performance and attachments but hopefully they won't let this classification define them for the rest of their lives and just look back at it as a formative element in the evolution of their life long learning journey) : 👇

1) 2018 entry, detained first attempt (due to significant deficits in year long physical presence) and otherwise may have done well in year long formative assessments :



2) 2018 entry, taking Second attempt after escaping detention as they managed their physical presence attendances well but couldn't manage to clear the practicals because of their practical performance on the day of university final summative assessments (also influenced by formative assessment impressions of their internal examiners) :


3) 2018 entry, detained in other subjects for lack of year long physical presence attendances but cleared Medicine exams in the university final summative assessment :

4) 2018 entry, cleared in first attempt also after escaping detention as they not only managed their physical presence attendances well but also managed to clear the practicals because of their practical performance on the day of university final summative assessments , helped by their prior formative assessments and overall yearlong impression on the internal examiners :

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