Sunday, April 2, 2023

2022-25 Medicine department allocated thesis and other project plans and titles

1) Dr ⁨Nithin's thesis :

Core thesis :

Factors influencing  recovery outcomes in patients with respiratory failure 

Thesis cases taken:

Sepsis influencing respiratory failure:

Second thesis:

Managing respiratory failure in patients with neuroparalytic disorders and two year outcomes 

Thesis cases taken:

Third thesis:

Echocardiography changes of pulmonary hypertension developing over time influenced by the duration of respiratory failure

PaJR Illustration: In the above link, the first echo is normal but subsequent echo findings may change depending on the duration of his currently few days old respiratory failure 

Thesis plan including 



Methodology and study design 

Expected outcomes 


2) Dr Harika 

Core thesis:

Diagnostic and therapeutic factors influencing outcomes of patients with anemia in chronic renal failure

Thesis 2:

Therapeutic uncertainties in management of metabolic acidosis due to renal failure

Thesis 3:

Clinico radiological correlation of outcomes in patients with renal failure severity, chronicity and implications on further management 

3)  Dr Prachetan 

Core  thesis 

Diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties influencing outcomes in patients presenting to general medicine with abdominal pain with and without comorbidities 

Current thesis cases:

👆Diagnostic uncertainty resolved on life events sequence and ultrasound localization  

Therapeutic uncertainty resolved  on response to empirical antibiotics for both parasitic as well as bacterial cover

Diagnostic uncertainty persisted between Cholelithiasis, pancreatitis and gastric ulcer as the cause of abdominal pain but relieved with time 

👆Pain abdomen with comorbidities 

Thesis 2:

Diagnostic and therapeutic factors influencing the clinical outcomes of patients with diarrhoea 

Current thesis case: 

Thesis 3:

Role of GI endoscopy and other factors influencing the diagnostic and therapeutic outcomes of patients presenting with dyspepsia and constipation 

Thesis plan including 



Methodology and study design 

Expected outcomes 


4) Dr Navya 

Core Thesis :

Diagnostic and therapeutic factors influencing outcomes in patients with sepsis 

Current thesis cases:

👆Diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty evolving 

Thesis 2:

Diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty around patients of suspected Acinetobacter sepsis influencing illness outcomes

Thesis 3

Optimizing utilization of diagnostic and therapeutic modalities to promote better patient outcomes as well as antibiotic stewardship 

Thesis 4:

Factors influencing total dose requirements of inotropes and Iv fluids   in septic shock 

5) Dr Himaja 

Core thesis :

Biopsychosocial factors influencing outcomes in patients with visceral fat and multisystem comorbidities

Current thesis cases:

Thesis 2:

Ultrasound imaging correlations of muscle mass and visceral fat in Metabolic syndrome outcomes 

Thesis 3:

Clinical and echocardiographic evaluation of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in patients with multimorbidities and suspected left ventricular failure 

Thesis plan including 



Methodology and study design 

Expected outcomes 


 6) Lohith :

Core thesis :

Diagnostic and therapeutic outcomes in patients of suspected portal hypertension 

Current thesis cases:

Hepatic portal hypertension :

Prehepatic :

Posthepatic :

Thesis 2:

Optimizing outcomes in patients with visceral fat with and without early suspected liver cirrhosis using regular informational continuity guided life style modifications 

Current cases :

Thesis 3:

Factors influencing development of Ascites in patients with chronic renal failure 

Thesis plan including 



Methodology and study design 

Expected outcomes 


7) Dr Ajay 

Core thesis:

Factors influencing the  development of heart failure and other outcomes in patients with suspected chronic CAD

These patients will represent the entire spectrum of CAD that we see here 

The two ends of the spectrum that we see every week here are:

Group 1) Mild and early with metabolic and atherosclerotic risk factors such as visceral obesity and hypertension

Think of the recent AMC 2 patients with visceral fat and hypertension but no Diabetes as they have good muscle mass 

Current thesis cases:

Group 2) Advanced CAD who present with heart failure and multimorbidity with multiple risk factors for progressive atherosclerosis and micro and macrovascular dysfunction 

Think of the current ICU patient with diabetes, sepsis and multimorbidity 

Group 3) Atherosclerotic plaque rupture presenting with acute coronary syndrome 

Most common in cardiac centers with cath labs as most would like to have primary PTCA 

We still these once a month and thrombolyse a few who can't go for primary ptca 

Group 4) Miscellaneous suspected microvascular CAD such as in our current ICU bed 1 with Takutsubo's

Thesis 2:

Time taken to echocardiographic IVC collapsibilty indicating attainment of optimal volume status after standard diuretic intervention for patients with left ventricular failure

Thesis 3:

Clinical Diagnosis of Electrical versus Anatomic Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: Prognostic and Therapeutic Implications

8) Dr Govardhini 

Core thesis :

Spectrum of clinical presentations in diabetes with multimorbidities and factors influencing their outcomes 

Current thesis case 

Thesis 2:

Nail fold capillaroscopic changes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus👇

Thesis 3:

Fatty liver and diabetes outcomes  in a spectrum of patients with high visceral fat and low muscle mass 

Current cases :

9) Dr Vivek Kurma 

Core thesis :

Factors influencing outcomes in patients with neuroparalysis 

Current thesis cases :

Thesis 2:

Resolving clinical complexity and improving outcomes in patients of chronic headache 

Current thesis case :

Thesis 3:
Factors influencing outcomes in patients with  hyponatremia and osmotic demyelination syndromes 

Current thesis case :

10) Dr Kiran Kumar 

Core thesis :

Factors influencing outcomes in patients with diabetes and renal failure with and without other multimorbidities 

 Current thesis case :

Thesis 2:

Evaluation of nailfold microcirculation in patients with chronic renal failure

Thesis 3:

Resolving clinical complexity and improving outcomes in patients of chronic Spondyloarthropathy

Thesis 4:

 Resolving diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties in subclinical hypothyroidism 

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