Monday, May 17, 2021

Outline and first draft of Medical education book chapter: Scholarship of Integration and the future of Medical education and research



Our proposed approach – brief content outline (tentative)


(A)ssessed Need for the chapter in the context of medical education research, practice, publication, or scholarship. Word limit suggested, 400 to 500 words:

Need 1: Very few people know what is "scholarship of Integration in medical education and research" and how it can be a tool to tackle the current problems in medical education and practice and one important need this chapter will address is to fill in that information gap. 

Need 2: Very few people realize that Medical education research is a tool to eventually improve patient outcomes as patient is the ultimate beneficiary of Medical education and this chapter will again not only address this vital information gap but become instrumental in driving positive change in this direction. 

Subguidelines1: Create interest and prepare the reader to proceed further.

Scholarship of integration in medical education and research aims to disseminate back to society the fruits of academic discovery and translates medical education theory that developed from discoveries made by individual academics in countless individual members of society into a practice that again benefits the same or different individual members of society. For more click on:

In this chapter we shall share how a group of medical students and their teachers spread out globally as well as across India have utilized the tool of "scholarly integration" to develop global health learning outcomes toward solving global health care problems in their local context. 

Subguidelines 2: Build on the previous knowledge and experience of the readers.

"Medicine has evolved through physicians would presenting interesting cases to a large audience to learn from the inputs of other physicians [ref Eur J Pers Centered Healthc 2013;1(2):385–93.]. From this interchange doctors would publish their cases and name the solution after themselves, without reference to the peers or patients who made the solution possible.  In this way, case reporting advanced science and medicine, but also evolved as an important instrument of physician fame.

With the advent of open access and digital technology, traditional learning methods are supplemented with digital technology to provide a platform where value is added through the inclusion of an interested patient and a curious medical student who makes contributions to progressive value sensitive healthcare."

Above quoted verbatim from (hope to change later):


Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) defines care coordination as deliberately organizing patient care activities and sharing information among all of the participants concerned with a patient’s care to achieve safer and more effective care [McDonald K, Schultz E, Albin L, Pineda N, Lonhart J, Sudaram V, et al. Care coordination measures atlas. Updated June 2014. 2014. [cited 2014 Dec 28];(June). Available from:]. 

While patient-centered care coordination (PCCC) includes teamwork with medical providers, specialist consultants, home health care integration, healthcare Information technology enabled coordination [10], we have yet to see these amalgamated by others in ways that the general public and the vulnerable patient can consistently be empowered to participate in their own healthcare choices [11] and research innovation [12].

Successful information infrastructures or living learning systems are shared, evolving, open, standardized and meet the needs of a heterogeneous population [13]. In literature, we see infrastructures as enablers of coordinated activities between people, processes and technology such that the interplay becomes the foundation that attracts others to use and participate in the network [14]. We appreciate the expansion of PCCC to strengthen this conceptual framework, where patients, providers, programs, health records; technology tools collaborate in the infrastructure to improve health. This work is labelled as ‘User driven healthcare’ or UDHC and aims to improve healthcare and medical diagnosis through clinical problem solving by utilizing concerted experiential learning in conversations between multiple users and stakeholders, primarily patients, health professionals, and other actors in a care giving collaborative network across a web interface [3].

Above quoted verbatim from (hope to change later):



Scholarship of integration in medical education and research aims to recognize societies’ contributions to the fruits of academic discovery through widespread dissemination to benefit other groups and individual members of society who can in turn multiply the construction of new knowledge and widespread implementation into practice.

It is vital academic institutions and medical schools remain relevant in an era when the production of knowledge is increasingly recognized as a social collaborative activity. 

( )

In this article we share knowledge through a illustrative participative framework and include practical methods to guide institutional change along with a practical method to report and evaluate the scholarship of integration 


The patient's voice 1:

The patient's voice 2:


Scholarly integration of medical education and research can benefit from reaching out to patients through health professional learners where every patient context provides  a universe in itself that is potentially connected. 


The questions detailed, in the link provided in the previous section, will be answered in the following manner:

1.    The empathic details are evoked from the patient narratives.

2.    Demonstration of the current MER approach to solving patient problems through the steps of disease localization in layers, beginning with macronanatomy (organ), microetiology (pathology / microbiology), and then finally deciding on disease solutions where paths diverge into various systems of medicine.

3.    Some of these diversities may be well addressed by a Clinical Terminology System like SNOMED CT. India has already developed AYUSH Extensions for SNOMED CT and the Ministry of AYUSH is also hosting online electronic health records.


Assigning interesting tasks to the readers to reflect and write down their personal impression. What is it that sparked them in this chapter? Why do they think so?  What else, the author could have done better?


References (some already cited in text above) and Road Ahead:

The current medical education is so narrow and restricted mostly to clinical and text book based (whereas the rate of doubling the medical knowledge is 72 days) but how the real world scenario changing from research to innovation and tele-medicine to informatics for which the students are not prepared at all.

Therefore, integration can be started early, even pre-med school where the integration becomes part of the learning and the assessment.

There is one long standing lacuna in current medical education. An average student/scholar of Modern Medicine doesn't even know ABCs of AYUSH systems, whereas AYUSH scholars have a better idea on available contemporary modern practices. Isn't it a core need that scholars of modern medicine too need to know the basics of AYUSH systems, for the betterment of patients?

The patients and culture comes with this as part of their preferences and could be included as such as well as the evidence for the preferences and the degree of harm and benefit or just add that for the medical professional working through these areas with mutual trust and  transparency is part of the knowledge.

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