Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Medicine department protocol for Virtual MBBS university examination (summative assessment) of practicals and viva


Step 1

Revision practical classes as soon as theory exams are over. 

Conduct of the university final MBBS practical revision classes in batches of 34 from 2-4 PM tomorrow 22nd April 2021 till Saturday 24th April 2021

Step 2:

Practical exams begin from 26th April, 2021

Conduct of the overall university final mbbs general medicine practical exams from 26th April to 3rd May 2021 is as follows:

Exams will be in the virtual online open access format with optimal transparency and accountability. Each candidate's presentation and interrogation will be video recorded for asynchronous academic verification by the external examiner as well as university. 

All the examinees will prepare one long case and two short cases from current patients in the Wards, ICU, AMC during the revision practicals under the guidance of a PG invigilator who will guide them to capture the necessary patient data along with clinical images, radiology, EcG, drugs and instruments being used on that patient and add it to their E log online portfolios already available open access here:

On the day of the practical exams every examinee will start presenting the last logged long and short cases in their E log. 

There will be two internal examiners and one external examiner onsite and one examiner off-site on zoom from outside Telengana listening to them for 5 minutes following which they will take two minutes each to query them on the areas delineated here

There will be an AP faculty expert and two PG experts coordinating and invigilating this entire process.

One PG will video record and archive each candidate's presentation and interrogation for asynchronous academic verification by the external examiner as well as university. 

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