Sunday, June 7, 2020

Case based online learning assignment for MBBS 2016 UGs, 2nd week of June 2020: 3 patients with pedal edema and one without

Last week we had six case presentations recorded on video although the links are yet to be uploaded by our interns but we have some patient data for analysis that some of our interns have shared it in their E logs below for the online 8th semester students to go through this week and answer some of the case related questions and also come out with their own queries:

1) Presented by Dr Sai Bhargavi 2015 batch:
A 55 Year old man with 
1)pedal edema since 2 months , left sided gradually progressive swelling 

2) pain and swelling in the left gluteal region
Intern's E log:

Offline session video: Upload Awaited 

2) Presented by Dr Priyanka 2015 batch
An 18 Year old boy with lower limb edema and weakness  

Intern's E log:

Offline session video: Upload awaited 

3) Presented by Dr Roshni 2015 batch: 
65 year old woman with recent pain abdomen and pedal edema 

Intern's E log:

4) Presented by Dr Rakesh Kumar  batch 2015
A 65 year old man presented to the ER with a chief complaint of weakness in both his lower limbs since 15 days
Intern's E log:

Offline discussion session video: yet to be uploaded. Please get in touch with the  intern Dr Kumar. 

A few common questions for the 8th semester students

1) Where are the different anatomical locations for the cause of the edema for each of the three patients and weakness for the fourth Patient?

2) What is the most likely pathology and etiology in that anatomical location?

3) What are the diagnostic and therapeutic options in such situations and what is the efficacy of each option/intervention?

4) Please share questions that come to your mind upon going through each of the cases.

Each 8th semester student will share their answers in their own E logs. Thanks to all the 8th semester students for previously sharing all their 200 web based logs that will remain as their 'online learning portfolios,' and will be very useful toward their formative assessment in the coming months and years. More here:

Sample active learning discussion of the same 2016 UGs last week 

Once the 8th semesters join hospital duties they will be expected to evaluate their own patients in the wards and learn data capturing to create their own patient online records for analysis.

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