Thursday, January 13, 2022

Clinical problem solving Prize Jan 2022 monthly assessment paper (Online assignment)

Introduction :

This month's and year's first assessment paper assignment is also focused on the idea of rewarding our regular trainees around the occasion of our annual "clinical problem solving" conference.

Our formal training program in "clinical problem solving" is also a mandatory requirement for passing the final summative assessments (aka MBBS and MD exams) toward a licence to practice medicine and this year we have already nominated a few potential prize winning contributions in clinical problem solving from 2020-21 similar to the samples here :, which have been chosen from around 1000 "clinical problem solving" submissions hosted in the "online learning portfolios" of all our trainees accessible full text here :

The clinical problem solving awards are given on the basis of the trainees overall performance reflected in their E log links representing their "online learning portfolios," containing their "clinical problem solving" contributions either in their daily patient centered case reports as well as their submissions to  monthly online assignments such as this one. 

Answer all questions:                                                      

Max Marks: 100 (5 questions in total and 20 marks for each  answer) 

Submit by:   20/01/2022              

Please be original and refrain from plagiarism. Please note that every logged answer paper should contain the link to this current "assignment/question paper" page and the patient context for each answer. Also share the detailed online links to every quote or reference cited in your answer. 

Questions plan and context:

All "clinical problem solving" questions are around student driven patient centered case reports prepared by our students from our real but deidentified patients. 

Please review one E logged case report link around the cases that are going to be presented in the upcoming Jan 25th 2022 clinical problem solving conference already shared full text by the speakers here :

Q1) Please go through one of  the case reports in the conference link shared above and provide your critical appraisal of the captured data in terms of completeness, correctness and ability to provide useful leads to analyze the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties around the cases shared.

Q2: Please analyze the linked case report current patient data by first preparing a problem list for each patient in order of perceived priority (based on the shared data) and then discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty around solving those problems. 

Q3) Include the review of literature around sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic interventions mentioned and same around efficacy of the therapeutic interventions mentioned for each patient and suggest innovative solutions (mentioning how one may design an ethical trial to scale the proposed innovative solution).

Q4) Share the link to your own case report this month of a patient that you connected with and engaged while capturing his her sequential life events before and after the illness and clinical and investigational images along with your discussion of that case. 

Q 5) Please reflect on your patient centered experiences that you had while solving their problems this month. 

A sample answer to this last assignment around sharing your experience log of the month can be seen in one student's  answer to Q10 in the  May 2021 assignment in the link below:

And another student answer to Q5 in the June and July 2021 assignment in the links below :

Footnotes :

Q1 tests for 
peer review competency in the active reader of this assignment

Q2 tests scholarship competency of the examinees ( ability to read comprehend, analyze, reflect upon and discuss captured patient centered data).

Q3 tests system 2 cognition in 'clinical problem solving' and it's 'representation' skills that may enable one to make an impact on their local and global learning and caring ecosystems. 

Q4 tests competency in patient data capture and representation through ethical case reporting/case presentation with signed informed consent from the patient. 

Q5 tests reflective learning and leadership  competency vital to developing a "patient centered medical cognition." 

Sample answers to the above assignment :

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